The best of what's left
July 30th, 2010

Shaq and LeBron in a twat-off

The international basketball market is incredibly dry right now, and there’s a lot more produce than buyers. The whole nation of Greece is broke, and Spanish clubs are running into financial barriers they’re not normally known for. Even Italian teams, including four time defending champion Montepaschi Siena, are facing budget cuts.

In the NBA, most of the big stuff has been done. Of the 280 or so rotation spots in the league, most have been filled, and rosters in general are starting to fill up. That said, there’s still a lot of players out there looking for work, ranging from the meh to the intriguing. This excessively long list attempts to chronicle them all.

The following is written with an eye on NBA signings; however, these players are of course open to the world at large. Hardened readers will note that a lot of these blurbs are jacked from other places where I have written them before…..but, you know, whatever.

Travis Diener, aged about 12

Point guards

Earl Watson – Watson played with the Pacers on a one year contract last season, and averaged 7.8 points and 5.1 assists alongside a PER of only 10.9. His jumpshot, which is inconsistent from season to season, decided to be particularly bad for the second season in a row; it probably didn’t help that Watson started 52 games, when he’s overmatched as a starter. Watson is a capable backup, however, and should find a home in the NBA next year.

Anthony Johnson – Johnson fell out of the rotation last year, losing his spot as the Magic’s backup point guard to a man with no sideburns that we’ll mention in a minute. He actually put up his best season for four years, putting up a PER of 12.4 and shooting 44% from the field. However, it still wasn’t that good of a year, and the preceding three were really bad. Johnson will turn 36 before opening night, and has probably run out of legs.

Chucky Atkins – Not satisfied with only having two point guards that aren’t really point guards, the Pistons brought in Chucky Atkins last summer. Chucky did not impress, putting up a PER of only 8.3 and shooting 36% on the season which was an improvement on his marks the previous two seasons of 34% and 30% respectively. Incidentally, 36 is also how old he turns next month.

It also goes largely unspoken that Chucky Atkins put up his career at aged 32. In 2006/07 with the Grizzlies, Atkins averaged 13.2 points, 4.6 assists and only 1.7 turnovers per game, shooting .434% from the field (second best mark of his career), .379% from three, attempting 4.1 free throws per game (his career high by a long way), putting up a PER of 17.4, and doing all this in only 27 minutes per game. Needless to say, it was a contract year. (Hey, I’d try harder in a contract year, too. Believe that.)

Cedric Jackson – In a completely unexpected turn of events, undrafted Cleveland State point guard Cedric Jackson played for three different NBA teams last year; the Cavaliers, the Spurs and the Wizards. The Wizards then extended him a QO at the season’s end, although they later retracted it. Jackson is a good defensive point guard who also chips in with the rebounding, yet his own offense (jumpshot especially) is not particularly good, and he turns the ball over far too much. He might make it back into the NBA next year, or alternatively, he might go the Bobby Jones route and play for a hundred million different teams……in one season.

Jason Williams – Dear Deliliah. Why, why, WHY, did Jason Williams decide to live the last year of his life without any sideburns? How can you have a full head of hair and smiultaneously decide that it’s a good idea to shave the burns up above ear height? And why for the life of Brian did Matt Barnes do the same?

Bobby Brown – Brown just completed a two year guaranteed minimum salary contract, initially given to him by the Sacramento Kings. He won that contract because of his play in summer league 2008, where he scored a lot of points in a variety of different ways. The Kings didn’t play Brown much in any regular season games, and later included him in the trade that brought over Shelden Williams from Minnesota, as was their perogative. Minnesota forwarded him on last summer to New Orleans as a throw-in to the Darius Songaila trade, as was their perogative. (So, that’s that joke out of the way early.)

Once in New Orleans, Bobby started to get regular minutes. Byron Scott played him as the primary backup guard, often ahead of Darren Collison and Marcus Thornton, but it really did not go well. Brown shot the ball every time he touched it, taking 152 field goals in only 328 minutes, and attempting only 8 foul shots. To put it bluntly, he chucked. (Byron Scott was later fired, Collison and Thornton started to play more, and the Hornets’ season was salvaged. These things are all related.)

Brown was traded to the Clippers in a salary dump later in the season, where he did more of the same; 191 minutes, 85 field goals, 7 foul shots. Brown took a three pointer every 5 minutes last year, and didn’t seem to mind that he hit only 27% of them. He’s a scorer, of course, and scorers need to shoot. But he just…..won’t……..stop……….shooting……………..

Chris Quinn – Chris Quinn has played 4 seasons in the NBA. I don’t mean to be rude when I say that that is enough. He is a marginal talent, a good three point shooter with a great assist to turnover ratio, but who can’t do anything inside the paint in the NBA, and whose ratio masks the fact that he’s not a great playmaker. Not making mistakes can only get you so far, and I think four NBA seasons would be a fair representation of how far it gets you. Then again, Quinn could definitely make an inactive list as a shooting option.

Earl Boykins – Boykins returned to the NBA with the Wizards last season, yet another of their pointless signings who all somehow conspired to help them win the lottery. He did his usual thing, scoring some points, hitting a lot of long twos, not turning it over much and taking every shot in the fourth quarter. Considering the Wizards were trying to lose, this was actually a good thing for a change.

Mustafa Shakur – Shakur has been in and around the NBA for the three years since he went undrafted out of Arizona in 2007. He spent a couple of days on the Kings roster at the very start of the 2007/08 season (getting $20,000 for his troubles), and spent three weeks on the Thunder’s regular season last year (however, he did not play in any games). Shakur has improved since being undrafted; he’s still prone to wildly flailing towards the basket out of control, but he’s more controlled now while just as athletic as before, and has improved his jumpshot slightly. He’s a 15th to 16th man in the NBA, one of several who just need a stroke of luck to get a chance. The kind of chance that Will Conroy hasn’t had yet, and that Pooh Jeter just got. Unfortunately, by signing Royal Ivey, it looks like the Thunder won’t be giving Shakur another chance.

Acie Law – Acie Law has played two good games in his NBA career. One of them was this one in March, and one of them was the following night. That’s been it, though; in three years, Law hasn’t shown much half court ability at all. And yes I know he should be on the small forward list.

Antonio Daniels – Daniels didn’t play last season, taking a buyout from the Timberwolves in preseason in anticipation of a new contract elsewhere that never came. He turns 36 last this season and hasn’t been good for three years; nonetheless, he was a good player back in the day, and was sufficiently adequate even as he fell out of the league. A return must therefore not be ruled out.

Travis Diener – Diener has basically the same skill set and CV as Chris Quinn above. He’s even managed five years to Quinn’s four, and has been paid above the minimum for the last three of those. But Diener is better than Quinn, and is not just a jumpshooter. The three pointer is pretty much the sum total of his own offense, but Diener can also run a good pick and roll and has a terrific assist/turnover ratio (more than 4.3 to 1 for his career, and more than 5:1 over the last three years). Diener is 28 years old with 179 NBA games with three NBA teams to his name, and while his defense is open season, he’s more offensively capable than most minimum salary third string point guard options. Failing that, he could always opt to go star in Israel.

Eddie House – House should be one of the next players signed, because he is a proven role player. Maybe he’s not been at his best these couple of years, yet it matters not; House’s usefulness as a role player is proven. He’s going to come in and shoot jumpshots, do nothing but score, and score inefficiently at that, yet provides a permanent option in the halfcourt offense because of the speed and accuracy of his three point jumpshot. That’s all he does, and all he needs to do. Some teams will need that. Hell, my Chicago Bulls need that. Heading into his 11th NBA season, House is probably just a minimum salary player now, but that’ll do.

EDIT – Scratch that. House is going to the Miami Heat.

Jamaal Tinsley – Tinsley’s NBA redux with the Grizzlies just was not a successful experience. He scored 133 points on 140 shots, turned it over 4 times per 36 minutes with a roughly 3:2 a/to ratio, and was part of the reason why Memphis allowed the most field goal attempts at the rim of any team in the NBA. Amindst the soap opera and weight problems, the young Jamaal Tinsley used to have a lot of talent; however, he didn’t show any of it last year. Memphis are the kind of team that need to rely on retreads, yet they won’t be bringing him back, and so Tinsley’s NBA options list just got considerably shortened. Indiana needs a point guard, but…….well, you know.

Marcus Williams – Williams was Memphis’s other backup point guard last year, alongside Tinsley. Like Tinsley, he had fallen out of the league due to weight problems and lacklustre play; like Tinsley, he was looking to the Grizzlies (who were willing to take more chances in a bid to strike gold) as a way back into the fold. And like Tinsley he wasn’t very good either. Williams got back into the NBA because of how brilliantly he ran the Grizzlies full-court offense in summer league, but it didn’t translate to the regular season, where his own lack of offense was again costly. Williams might still get other looks, and it would probably benefit him greatly to get them on teams with more disciplined offenses than Memphis. It’s a talented team, but not a smart one.

Rafer Alston – Alston’s career is dribbling to a stop, and not in great fashion. He was bought out last season to return to the Heat, and played a lot of minutes early, but then fell out of the rotation and left the team without permission; ostensibly, Alston left to deal with a family issue, yet he was put on the suspended list and stayed there for the duration of the season. More importantly, he shot only .348% on the field, and now aged 34, he has lost the ballhandling and playmaking of his youth.

Brevin Knight – Knight didn’t play in the NBA last year, nor did he play anywhere. He hasn’t been good since an injury-shortened 2006-07 season with the Bobcats; in his last two years in the NBA, Knight declined quicker than Travis Hafner. That, combined with him not playing last season, means that the 34 year old is probably yet. Yet the NBA still has an elite “old veteran point guards who are perceived to have value to NBA teams largely on account of their age” club, of which Anthony Carter is the President and CEO. Knight might still be paying his membership to that club; the next guy definitely is.

Jason Hart – Hart was a member of three NBA teams last season, first winning a roster spot with the Timberwolves (no point guard jokes) and then being traded to the Suns for Alando Tucker (who immediately waived him). He then joined the Hornets for a short while as injury cover, recording 22 minutes and about half a million dollars on the season. Lucky bugger. Hart is only 32, yet hasn’t done anything since his fluke year with the expansion Bobcats.

Lester Hudson – Hudson made the Celtics roster out of training camp, but did not make it beyond the contract guarantee date with the team. However, he got his money anyway when the Grizzlies claimed him off waivers, and Hudson saw out the rest of the season there. The Grizzlies waived Hudson as well at the start of this month, and he’s now without a team. However, he went to summer league with the Wizards, where he impressed with averages of 11.2ppg and 2.8apg, and is now a candidate for a roster spot with the team. In his NBA career thus far, Hudson proved he could score in transition, but the rest of his game remains in question, particularly his skills in the half court.

Tweety Carter – Carter had a much improved senior season at Baylor after Curtis Jerrells left. Rather than just standing in the corner and waiting for passes, Carter was allowed to handle the ball and run the offense, and he proved that he could. Carter was efficient with the ball, ran the team in the open floor and the halfcourt, and mixed in his long range jumpshot with an endless series of floaters. He finished the season averaging 15.0 points and 5.9 assists per game; to put that into some context, the 5.9 assists per game tied for 5th in Division One. And three of the five players ahead of him (Evan Turner, John Wall, Greivis Vasquez) were all first rounders.

He’s still small, very small. Not as small as Devan Downey, but still small. However, save for about 20 lbs, some leaping ability and four years of media love, there’s not much to separate Tweety from someone like A.J. Price. Such is life.

Sherron Collins – I was fully prepared to besmirch whoever drafted Sherron Collins early in the late first or early second round of last month’s draft. Fully prepared. In a post that never got published, I had written the following rallying cry against Sherron Collins;

Is Sherron Collins really as strong as they say he is, or does he just have a ridiculously wide neck? And if he IS really strong, what good is that if he doesn’t do anything with it? Collins is a good shooter and a fine ball handler, but he tends to use that ball handling ability just to get jumpshots off, often counter-productively. He is not a floor leader or a half court point guard, not a great pick-and-roll or penetrate-and-kick player; instead, he’s an undersized scorer prone to occasional streetball moments and weight problems. He has the weight of a 4 year career at a big program behind him, and all the journalistic love that comes with it. But unless he improves throughout the duration of his rookie contract, I don’t think he’ll get another one.

As you can probably tell, I’m not convinced by Sherron Collins.

However, taking me completely by surprise (and presumably him as well), Collins went undrafted. Now, it’s a different story. As an undrafted pickup, I commend the move. Player’s abilities are all relative to expectations, and by going undrafted, Collins’s expectations crashed. Now that nothing is expected of him by any NBA team, I am more confident in his abilities to play in it. If that makes sense.

Patty Mills – Mills is a restricted free agent of the Blazers who will probably return to the team, unless he signs with Lottomatica Roma. He didn’t play much last year due to a broken foot, but in the ten games he did play, Mills averaged 2.6 points in 3.8 minutes, which equates to 24.6 points per 36 minutes. He contributed little else, as is his style, but he’s capable of scoring at the NBA level. He is also entirely capable of scoring at the D-League level, as evidenced by the 25.6 points per game he averaged on assignment with the Idaho Stampede.

Mike James – James was another caught up in the Wizards guard mess, yet after starting 50 games for the team in 2008/09, the man who one redefined the phrase “contract year” played only 46 minutes with them this contract season. James was a decent player who became genuinely good in that 2005-06 season; however, since that time, he has been genuinely bad. Now 35, he will probably not return.

Marko Jaric – Jaric may or may not be a free agent. To be honest, it is hard to tell. After being bought out by the Grizzlies at Christmas time, Jaric went to Spain to play for Real Madrid, with whom he signed a two year contract. However, Real have had a bit of a clear-out this summer, particularly at the guard spots. Long term shooting guard Louis Bullock left, as have Rimantas Kaukenas, Sergi Vidal and Morris Almond. Sergio Llull signed an extension, Pablo Prigioni is still there, Sergio Rodriguez was brought in, and Clay Tucker (allegedly) soon will be. That then leaves the status of Jaric up in the air, particularly since there exist both stories announcing his departure and announcing his return. I wish I could read Spanish. (I keep meaning to, but it’s a bit like my Parkour dream. I want to be good at Parkour, and believe I could be good at Parkour, but have made absolutely no effort to be good at Parkour, and thus am no good at Parkour. It’s on the list, though.)

Sarunas Jassercabbages – Panathinaikos declined Jasikevicius’s contract option this summer, ostensibly so that they could then re-sign him for a lower price. However, as things stand, this hasn’t happened yet. Panathinaikos lost Vassilis Spanoulis to rivals Olympiakos – who apparently don’t think Milos Teodosic and Theo Papaloukas is enough point guard quality – and yet while they haven’t brought in another point guard to replace him, they do still have Nick Calathes, Dimitris Diamantidis and Milenko Tepic (kind of) who can play at the spot, as will as perennial depth option Dimitris Verginis. They’re also linked with every free agent point guard going, from Bo McCalebb (who went to Montepaschi Siena) to Nando De Colo (undetermined), and even Rudy Fernandez (currently the subject of an insane Anthony Randolph trade rumour).

Long story short, Jasikevicius is currently a free agent.

John Lucas III – Lucas played with the Bulls in summer league, and played well. It is perhaps logical, if not destined, that he goes to training camp with the team. Lucas is largely just a shooter, and a small one at that, but also a very good one. He didn’t play well in his first two NBA seasons, yet the opportunity exists for another.

Jerome Randle – As midgets go, this one is pretty excellent. The usual knocks against undersized point guards – can’t defend their position at the higher levels, can’t finish in the paint, can’t really get there – are all kind of true of Randle. But more than once, Randle demonstrated the ability to win games single handedly. Even in the weakened Pac-23, this is no small accomplishment. Randle has range about five times greater than his height and can play point guard to go with that; the fact that he wasn’t drafted does not mean that he shouldn’t have been. (If that makes sense.)

EDIT – Randle has signed in Turkey with Aliaga Petkim, where he will pair up with Aubrey Coleman.

Jon Scheyer – Scheyer might get make the NBA, Scheyer might not make the NBA. Whichever it is, Scheyer is a fine shooter and an incredibly mistake-free point guard, who keeps the ball moving without turning it over. He’s also really, really, really efficient, as both a passer and a scorer. And if you believe Mike Shasheffski, he “only wants to win.” Not like those other players, some of who want to lose. Curse those other players. Curse their souls.

If it all comes down to Scheyer’s physical limitations and his little stumpy arms, then OK. I certainly don’t fancy his chances of defending NBA guards either, not at point guard nor shooting guard. But Scheyer proved his ability this season as an amazingly efficient point guard, controlling the tempo and never making mistakes, milking the pick and roll and effective in transition while able to hit the shots of his own. Admittedly, he was born to play in Israel, and probably will do if he doesn’t make an NBA roster (Maccabi Tel-Aviv have a thee year deal for him that he will accept if he doesn’t make the NBA, and Virtos Bologna are also adter him.) But that doesn’t mean he’s not NBA material. Even if it’s not as a backup point guard, there’s surely a J.J. Redick-like role for him somewhere. Not all shooters need to be like Eddie House.

Roger Mason’s tongue

Shooting guards

Allen Iverson – I can’t think of a single team for whom signing Allen Iverson is a good idea. I mean, if it didn’t work out on Philadelphia, where WILL it work out? As far as I see it, Charlotte remains the only possibility. And I think it would have happened by now.

Mario West – West has played parts of the last three seasons with the Atlanta Hawks. He has been used solely as a defensive specialist, which explains the absence of any offensive numbers; in 156 career games, West has averages of 4.4 minutes, 0.8 points, 0.8 rebounds, 0.2 assists and 0.8 fouls per game. If you need a last-play-before-the-end-of-the-quarter defensive specialist, then West is your man. But I don’t think anyone ever really needs that.

Delonte West – West is not a free agent, but he will be soon. Minnesota, who just traded him, are going to waive him for the $3.3 million in salary savings that doing so will avail them. When this happens, West becomes the best available two guard on a market short of them; he can also play point guard, if that’s what a team needs. Delonte is a good defender and shooter, capable enough of running the pick and roll in the half court, yet the reason he’s become so blacklisted is for all the other stuff. The violin case, the Gloria rumour, the bipolarness, etc. He is not a marginal talent, yet because of the soap opera of his off-court life, he’s costing himself job opportunities. However, there are still teams out there who may want (or need) to take a chance on that. I recommend Memphis.

(It’s somewhat upsetting that the D-League team Albuquerque Thunderbirds have moved to New Mexico, because the otherwise workable “Boom, Albuquerque!” joke, that would have been an option had Delonte ever gone to the D-League, is now no longer in effect.)

Shannon Brown – Brown is one of the hottest commodities left on the market, which confuses me. He is not a bad player, yet he recently found himself in a system ideally suited to his strengths and weakness. In the triangle, Brown got to defend the point guard (sometimes) while not playing it on offense. He got to run the court and finish in style, without having to do any ballhandling in the half court. He got every shot set up for him, and it didn’t matter as much that he’s not a good shooter. And yet he STILL wasn’t very good, shooting only 42% from the field and 32% from three, barely taking a foul shot, recording a true shooting percentage of .517% and a PER of 12.4. Brown is a useful role player and better defensively – who’ll get even better on that end when he learns to go over screens – but he’s overrated. He takes bad shots and can’t dribble or shoot well at 6’4. This is not a player to overpay for. Tony Allen is better.

Roger Mason – Roger Mason shot only 33% from three last year, and 39% overall. With only 34 free throws taken all year, Mason’s true shooting percentage was .490%, and that’s just not very good. That said, the three point percentage was a blip. Sometimes, shooters can’t shoot for a season. Check out Casey Jacobsen’s season in Memphis, for example. The days of Mason the slasher are pretty much over, and have been since he left Israel, as are the days of Mason the occasional point guard defender. But Mason can still shoot, last year excepted. And he’s good enough of a defender.

Incidentally, there exists a decent possibility that in the next week, the Bulls will hire Rick Brunson as an assistant coach and sign Roger Mason as a player. This is noteworthy for the fact that Chicago, under Paxson’s regime, once traded Mason for Brunson. A minor mistake.

Larry Hughes – Larry Hughes played for the Knicks and Bobcats last year, while Sacramento decided it was best to pay him not to play for them. Sacramento were right; in 45 games and 1,115 minutes between New York and Charlotte, the always inefficient Hughes set new lows by shooting .355% from the field with a career low PER of 11.1. If anyone out there is still making excuses for him, I fail to see how. He made a contract year push, and it came off. Now, 31 years old and losing the athleticism, he’s done. That’s just how it is.

Luther Head – Head signed with the Hornets three weeks ago, but then this happened. He averaged a reasonably efficient 7.6ppg for Indiana last season, but still faces the same awkwardness as ever; a 6’2 shooting guard who can’t dribble or pass, and who thus can’t play point guard. If the Lakers lose Shannon Brown, Head would be a decent replacement.

Ronald Murray – Murray continued his inconsistent career with an inconsistent season. Some years he’s good, some years he’s not; last year, he was not good. Murray shot only .392% from the field and .312% from three point range, and, as is his style, he didn’t do much other than shoot. He has probably played his way into minimum salary roles only now, if that. Murray was genuinely useful in 2008/09, but he’s too unreliable to be relied upon.

Mardy Collins – In 189 career games and 2,771 career minutes spread across two teams, Mardy Collins proved throughout the duration of his rookie contract that he can’t play. His career PER is 7.9, and peaked at only 9.5 in his sophomore year, which is still significantly below average. He’s not really a point, nor is he really a two, nor can he shoot, and nor could he get to the basket like he could at Temple. That leaves you with a ball dominant player who is not good enough to dominate the ball in the NBA. It’s a tough sell.

Jaycee Carroll – Lest anyone didn’t already know this, Jaycee Carroll proved in summer league that he can flat out score the ball. He will forever be disadvantaged by the fact that he shares a body with Travis Diener, yet Carroll epitomises all the parts of scoring that someone like Gerald Green (more on him later) doesn’t know how to do. He moves without the ball, gets by on craft rather than size and athleticism, takes good shots, and has a fine floater. Now aged 27, Carroll may well never play in the NBA, but if you can get him on a team where he’s allowed to defend the point guard while other players n the wings handle the playmaking, he has a chance. Failing that, he’ll continue to star in Europe.

Javaris Crittenton – In three years, Crittenton has been traded once, barely played, played badly when he did play, turns it over quite a lot, can’t shoot, tore up his knee, had his rookie contract option declined, and made Gilbert Arenas pull a gun on him. But he’s tall.

Devin Brown – Bulls fans love to daydream about the prospect of Tracy McGrady returning to his 2006 form. But I’m not allowed to daydream about the possibility that Devin Brown could return to his 2006 form. In 2006, as a midseason pick-up playing as an emergency point guard for the Hornets, Brown was good. He was athletic, a rebounder and decent shooter, capable defender and passer, a solid and versatile all-around player who was great at nothing, but contributed at everything. That’s not what he is now, of course; the athleticism has gone, and the shot, which was never very good, has gotten worse. He now can’t defend, run the court or drive, and resorts to casting up bad 3’s.

I’m not saying I want Devin back with the Bulls. I’m just saying the McGrady pipe dream is a hypocrisy. Tracy, after all, lost a lot more than Devin ever did.

J.R. Giddens – The Knicks have not renounced J.R. Giddens, even though he played on the Mavericks summer league roster and not theirs. Strange times. Giddens started last year with the Celtics, and with the news that he wasn’t having the third year option on his rookie contract exercised. This made him only the 7th player all time to have this happen to him; the other six were Patrick O’Bryant, Yaroslav Korolev, Julius Hodge, Shannon Brown, Morris Almond and Joe Alexander. He played only 99 minutes for the Celtics, spending 4 games on assignment in the D-League, and then was traded to New York as a part of the Nate Robinson deal. Giggidens then got a few more minutes, playing 140 minutes in 11 games and recording a PER of 10.5. Charged with the tasks of improve his shooting and ball handling coming out of college, Giddens didn’t; his best talent remains his ability to run around a lot. He wins possessions in this manner, but his offense in the NBA is still limited to the opportunities born out of athleticism. At 6’5, that doesn’t get it done.

Kyle Weaver – Weaver is not a free agent at the time of writing, but he might be by the time of reading. Oklahoma City will waive him before his contract becomes guaranteed, thereby opening up a roster spot, a thing they don’t have a lot of any more. Weaver played only 144 minutes in the NBA last year, and only 5 games in the D-League, due to shoulder surgery. He has done nothing to deserve to lose his roster spot, demonstrating a decent all-around game, with good defense, an OK outside shooting, size, athleticism, and the ability to occasionally masquerade as a point guard. Yet Daequan Cook and Morris Peterson are earning nearly $9 million combined next year, and can probably handle all 400 of Weaver’s slated minutes. If the Roger Mason signing does not go through for Chicago, I’d rather have Kyle Weaver than Keith Bogans.

Antonio Anderson – Anderson briefly replaced Weaver with the Thunder last year, and is a comparable player. He’s not ideally suited to shooting guard nor point guard, yet he’s a decent passer and playmaker with a two guard’s size and fine athleticism, who struggles greatly only with his jumpshot. If he had one, he wouldn’t on the cusp of the NBA like this.

Blake Ahearn – Ahearn is the shooter from Missouri State who has played a few games for the Miami Heat. He’s a rather unique little sausage; an extremely brilliant shooter from the foul line and from three point range, and who can masquerade as a point guard reasonably well, but who is unathletic and doesn’t contribute much elsewhere. The most notable part of all that is the efficiency; Ahearn always shoots over 40% from three and over 90% from the line, and I do mean always.

Last year was no different. Finally leaving the D-League to go and get some proper money, Ahearn signed with ACB team Estudiantes Madrid, for whom he averaged 14.2 ppg in 24 mpg with absolutely no other statistical contributions other than fouls. He shot only 30% from two point range, but he hit his customary 41% from three, and also shot 98% from the line (57-58). When his contract expired, Ahearn returned to the D-League, where he averaged 44.5 mpg, 26.2 ppg, 6.0 apg and 4.7 rpg for the Erie BayHawks, shooting 45% from the field, 43% from three and 96% from the line. He’s about as good of a shooter as there can be, and yet he can’t get back in the NBA.

Greg Buckner – Buckner was always a marginal talent who was the lucky beneficiary of two exceptionally generous contracts. In 2002, Buckner signed a six year contract with Philadelphia, and in 2006, he signed a five year deal with Dallas. He managed to stay on the roster for only five of those eleven seasons, and did not play anywhere last year, but if anyone needs a defensive minded unathletic 6’4 guard with occasional point guard abilities but no scoring ability, then Greg Buckner is your man. He’ll sign for as many years as you are willing to give him.

Boy, am I looking forward to the Billy King era in New Jersey. Billy King + a full MLE + owner with unbelievably deep pockets = a whole lot of potential comedy in future years.

Mike Taylor – More energetic than a buggered puppy, Taylor played in Europe for Crvena Zvezda, and was one of the most unique players in the Eurocup. Ridiculously athletic, Taylor make things happen on both ends, on a team that didn’t have much athleticism other than him. But Taylor still suffers from mistakes (turnovers and fouls), height, and an average jumpshot. Bo McCalebb has turned a similar skillset into European stardom, but Bo McCalebb makes far fewer mistakes than Mike Taylor does. Taylor’s decision making has improved, but it’s still not good enough.

Louis Bullock – After seven years, former Timberwolves draft pick Louis Bullock has finally left Real Madrid. This is partly because he has declined. Now 34, Bullock still rocks the three point shot, shooting 46% from three in the ACB last year, but he’s still a 6’1 shooting guard with no other statistical contributors. He is also losing his speed as he ages, and thus his defense. His NBA window shut about 11 years ago, but I’m listing him here anyway.

Matt Bouldin – Perhaps surprisingly, Bouldin went undrafted out of Gonzaga. He was definitely a valid draft candidate, but for some reason, the second round went a bit weird. Bouldin is a big strong off-guard who can occasionally play the point, armed with good passing skills, but without much athleticism. The curly haired one has a decent jumpshot, but not good enough of one to make it in the league as a shooting specialist, and his lack of speed (plus his rather average 6’5 size) deemed him a defensive liability at the NBA level. It also rather undermined his driving ability.

That said, most of that was also said about J.J. Redick. And he turned out fine. As mentioned before, Bouldin does not have a jumpshot the calibre of JJ’s; however, if he can get one, he might have a shot. (So to speak.)

Donell Taylor – Taylor had a strong season, averaging 21.9ppg, 7.2rpg and 4.8apg for the Idaho Stampede. He is a former Wizards and Bobcats guard, whose problem has always been jumpshots (and, in his Wizards days, layups as well). Taylor’s jumpshot has improved a bit, although it’s still the strength of his all-around game that makes him interesting. He probably won’t get one, but another turn in the NBA would not be unjustified.

Joe Crawford – Crawford is slightly undersized for a shooting guard at 6’4, could use a slightly better three point stroke (and definitely from the foul line), and is not exactly consistent; he is, however, a talented and versatile scorer, mainly through penetration. Crawford is a former draft pick of the L.A. Lakers, 58th overall back in 2008. Had he been drafted somewhere else, he might have stuck in the NBA by now. He’s good.

Rashad McCants – Rather than trying to describe the Rashad McCants situation, I’ll let this article do it. The article tries really hard to make McCants seem like a sympathetic figure, a man whose not faultless but who never got a fair chance. But it really doesn’t invoke much sympathy.

Ryan Thompson – Horny Postman is a good all-around shooting guard who was a surprise to go undrafted. Thompson is considerably smaller than his brother Jason, but he has the right kind of size for an NBA shooting guard, and can both drive the ball and shoot from the outside. He is far better at the former, however.

Had Thompson come from a bigger school and/or bloomed about two months earlier, he would probably have been drafted. As it is, he’ll have to make it in the hard way. He has the talent to do so.

JamesOn Curry – JamesOn Curry earned a midseason call-up to the Clippers last season from the Springfield Armor of the D-League. It was an interesting call-up; Curry was averaging only 14.4 points and 6.4 assists per 36 minutes down there, which are decent numbers yet not normally point guard calibre. Nevertheless, the shooter was called up on a ten day contract, where he preceded to set an NBA record. Curry currently boasts the shortest career of all time of anyone to have ever taken the floor in an NBA regular season game, with his four second career shattering the previous record of nine seconds set by Alex Scales back in 2005. So he’s got that going for him.

Salim StoudamireDamon’s cousin has not played outside of the NBA in his professional career. He also hasn’t played in an NBA game since April 16th 2008. After the Hawks passed on re-signing him that summer, Stoudamire signed with the Spurs for training camp, and had $200,000 of his minimum salary contract. This would have given him the inside track on a roster spot, had he been healthy. But he wasn’t, and the vegan was waived in favour of Desmon Farmer (who I guess you could also add to this list, although I won’t). Stoudamire stayed on the shelf for most of the rest of the year, but was picked up by the Bucks for no obvious reason with about two weeks left in the season and signed through this season as well. However, the Bucks waived him this summer, and Salim has not signed or played anywhere since. Because of injuries and his one dimensional skillset, it seems unlikely that he ever returns to the NBA.

Gordan Giricek – In a bid to make this list as comprehensive as possible, here’s Gordan Giricek.

Damon Jones – Damon Jones still only shoots. He was a midseason signing of the now-defunct Martos Napoli, and played in 9 games for the team, averaging 13.3 points per game. The self-proclaimed best shooter in the world took 42 two pointers, 71 three pointers and 0 foul shots in those 9 games, also managing to record only 6 personal fouls in 325 minutes. Complete avoidance of physical contact? That’s our Damon.

Jerome Dyson – There was a time when averaging 20/5/5 at UConn meant a guarantee to be drafted. Not so for Dyson. For all the scoring numbers, Dyson is far from a complete scorer; for all the assist numbers, Dyson is far from a point guard. And at 6’3, he’ll struggle to be a shooting guard as well.

Much of his production comes from the fast break, where he is unbelievably good. He can snake his way to the basket with blistering speed, and finish with athleticism despite his small size. In the half court, however, he can’t get to the basket as readily. This is due in no small part to his jumpshot, which doesn’t really exist. And while Dyson has the athletic tools for perimeter defense, he has a size advantage at shooting guard, and is prone to lapses in focus.

If he goes to the D-League – and he should, because he’s going to be on the cusp of a call-up – then he could put up similar numbers to that. But without a jumpshot, his ridiculously tremendous upside potential is limited.

Steve Francis – Did you forget about Steve Francis? I forgot about Steve Francis. Oh well. We’ve remembered now. Let’s move on.

Jerry Stackhouse in a hat

Small forwards

Bobby Simmons – Simmons’s career transition from “can do anything except shoot” to “can do nothing but shoot” is complete. Simmons put up only one season with a PER over 13.8 in his career, missed the whole 2006/07 season with injury, and played only 23 games last season as well. The contract Milwaukee gave him looks even worse than ever, and as it’s finally expired, Simmons is now in grave danger of falling out of the league altogether.

Jawad Williams – Williams has spent the last two years with the Cavaliers, playing only 20 minutes in his first season but getting 742 more last season. He developed his game in the Developmental League, becoming a versatile and polished offensive player with NBA size and athleticism. Williams is currently a restricted free agent of the Cavs, who might bring him back, even though he shot less than 40% last year and even though they just brought in Joey Graham.

Tracy McGrady – Irrespective of his injury history, and irrespective of his greatly declined performance, there’s one other fundamental sticking point to the idea; Tracy McGrady is not a shooting guard. He used to be able to play it, but he also used to have two working knees. He could, of course, just play small forward to whatever standard he can muster. But the teams said to be looking at him – L.A. Clippers, Chicago, Miami – don’t need that. In fact, not many teams need a small forward right now. This disadvantages everyone under this heading, but particularly McGrady, for he more than anyone needs a particularly good situation in which to (attempt to) realise his comeback dreams. By this stage, if he goes unsigned, it would not be surprising.

Marcus Landry – Surprisingly, Carl’s younger brother made it almost the entire season. In workouts and summer league last year, Marcus demonstrated more a far better three point shot than he was ever allowed to show as Wisconsin, and made the Knicks roster on that basis. He was later a throw-in in the Nate Robinson trade that sent him to Boston; bizarrely, with two weeks to go in the season and Landry’s contract fully guaranteed, the Celtics then waived him so that they could give roster spots to Tony Gaffney and Oliver Lafayette. I guess Landry didn’t win them over as much.

Landry’s staple has become his shooting, but he is not able to create those shots for himself. He averaged only 11.4 points and 4.3 rebounds while on assignment in the D-League, and may have just been a flash in the pan. If he can improve his ballhandling or make a name for himself defensively, it would greatly help his chances of a comeback tour.

Linton Johnson – Lint played for the Orlando Magic in training camp, and would have been a good fit and a good player had they been able to afford to keep him. He did survive two days on the regular season roster, but I’m not sure that counts. Since that time, Linton has remained unsigned, presumably waiting on the Bulls to bring him back again.

Michael Finley – Finley started 77 games in 2008/09, but it was last year, the year in which he turned 37, that he finally jumped the shark. He shot the three pointer well for the Celtics, yet was bad for the Spurs, and put up career lows across the board. There’s not much left to Finley now, and none of it is coming back.

Keith Bogans – This season, San Antonio wanted Keith Bogans to be a wing defender/shooter, in the mold of Bruce Bowen and Ime Udoka before him. Truth be told, even with 50 starts, he wasn’t very good at it. He wouldn’t be very good at it on any team, either; however, he remains a slightly-better-than-nothing option. I just don’t think 50 starts is getting it done. (And anyway, is he really that good of a defender, or has he just built up a reputation as one because his offense is so mediocre? He’s all right at defense, but that’s it.)

Jeremy Richardson – An athlete with a jumpshot who has an outside chance of playing for every team in the league before he dies. Let’s make it happen.

Cartier Martin – Martin is a restricted free agent of the Wizards, and is expected to return, despite the re-signing of Josh Howard today. He played 8 games with the Wizards to end last season, and even though he is currently not under contract to the team, they do have a qualifying offer extended to him. Martin started last in Italy, had a dreadful time, went to the D-League, averaged 21/5, and then got back into the NBA. In his 8 games for Washington, Martin scored 6.4 points per game on 38% shooting, and is a valid candidate to provide some wing depth next season. If things aren’t as horrific as last year, he might not need to play so much.

Damien Wilkins – Wilkins didn’t score well last season, shooting only 43%, .295% from three point range, and averaging only 5.6 points in 20 minutes per game. Then again, he never scores well. Apart from that night he scored 41.

Jarvis Hayes – Hayes was in an unfavourable position last year, the designated three point shooter on a Nets team with absolutely awful outside shooting. He missed the first half of the year with injuries, and when he returned, he shot his worst three point percentage since his rookie year. That said, he’s normally a good shooter, defends adequately, and provides a slightly bigger alternative to other shooting options in this list. The Nets have not renounced him, which may or may not mean anything.

Rodney Carney – Carney returned to the Sixers last season, and responded with career lows in minutes, points and field goal percentage. Strangely, he also had a career high in PER, despite shooting only 40% from the field and 35% from three point range. Carney might yet churn out a long career as a Keith Bogans-like defensive specialist, and given his lack of improvements on offense over the last four years, he might have to.

Jerry Stackhouse – Stackhouse, along with Kurt Thomas, gave the Bucks some toughness last season. Scott Skiles needs some of that. But Thomas has left the team now, and Stack seems sure to follow. After a nothing season in 2008/09 crippled by injuries, Stackhouse was assumed to be done, but he was a surprise and welcome midseason addition for the Bucks. The athleticism has gone, the jumpshot has never advanced much beyond “streaky”, and he’ll be 36 before next season. That might have been his lust hurrah. But if it’s not, he’ll still give it his best.

Stephen Graham – Graham played a career high 804 minutes, and shot 50% from the field. He still doesn’t dribble or shoot well, but he chips in with the rebounds, defends the wing positions well, and significantly cut down on his turnovers last season. At this point, he is a better player than Joey.

Rodney White – You have to love it when a player averages 27.5 points, 8.9 rebounds and 3.8 assists per game, as Rodney did in China this season. Will this lead to an NBA return? No, probably not.

Devean George – George might have just put up the best season of his career. It was certainly his most efficient; the career 39% shooter shot .432% from the field and .390% from the field averaging 5.4 ppg/2.4rpg and putting up a PER of 11.6, his best for 8 years. He’s still no good, of course, but that second wind might be enough to get him another contract.

Ime Udoka – A late bloomer – or rather, a late arrival to the NBA – Udoka plays decent defense and has the corner three pointer down pat. He has proven to be a contributing role player to winning teams, and even to a losing team last year in Sacramento. However, Udoka has also proven to be declining year on year, and turns 33 next week.

Steve Novak – In four years, Steve Novak has made absolutely no attempt to be anything other than a three point shooter. He is about as one dimensional as it is possible to be. For the Clippers last season, Novak took 71 three pointers, 27 two pointers, 9 free throws, did not play defense, and had a worse-than-usual total rebounding percentage of 5.3%. (Of the 441 players who played in the NBA last season, 387 of them had a better total rebounding percentage than that, including many guards. And of the 53 players that were worse, only Rasual Butler, Jason Kapono, Taylor Griffin and Paul Davis are not guards. Griffin and Davis played 40 minutes combined. The other two are comparably one dimensional shooters.) Novak turned it over twice in only 362 minutes, which is quite incredible, yet understandable when you consider that if ever Novak catches the ball, it is to shoot. And missed shots don’t count as turnovers. Novak’s career 3PT% of .403% proves his worth in this regard, yet does anyone have room on their roster for someone so truly limited? Hell, even the Clippers opted for Brian Cook over him next year.

Trenton Hassell – Hassell’s six year contract – given to him by Lord of the Contract, Kevin McHale – has finally expired. And throughout its life span, Hassell was pretty terrible. The always-terrible offense only got worse, and now aged 31, Hassell’s defense is starting to slip too. Nevertheless, if it’s at the minimum salary, he still has something to contribute. And he might be able to help out with some post-up offense. (I only half-meant that.)

Sasha Pavlovic – I’m in the midst of writing a half-arsed defense of David Kahn, which, far from announcing that the man has any kind of plan, instead focuses on good moves of his that have gone underrated. But even I cannot defend the Sasha Pavlovic move. A team with absolutely no short term ambition (nor any reason to have any) decided to bring in a 26 year old on a one year contract, who had put up PER’s of below 9.0 in 5 of his previous six seasons. Sasha responded with yet more sterling basketball, playing 877 minutes in 71 games and shooting 37% from the floor, scoring only 10.8 points per 36 minutes and not playing any defense. Signing veterans with fringe talent and no upside, to one year contracts, whilst in the midst of a full rebuild, is not indicative of a plan.

Actually, I suppose if the plan was to tank, then this move made perfect sense and was a rousing success. But I suspect Minnesota could have picked in the top 5 even if they had given these minutes to Wayne Ellington.

Joe Alexander – If you had expected the Joe Alexander/Scott Skiles marriage to end well for Joe Alexander, then…..well, you’re an idiot. Alexander was pawned off to the Bulls at the deadline, where he played almost as little as he did in Milwaukee, recording 29 minutes all season. He didn’t even play for Chicago in summer league. Given that no one has played him, we can only assume that he’s the same player he was before; hugely athletic, and able to get off shots on the back of that, but just not good at making them, and prone to every kind of mistake in the book. Someone will take a chance on him next year, yet that someone will probably be the Reno Bighorns.

Gerald Green – Last year, Gerald Green played in Russia. Playing for Lokomotiv Kuban, Green averaged 16.3 points, 3.8 rebounds and 1.6 assists per game, shooting 44% from the field and 35% from three point range. Unfortunately, there’s no stat for whether he “gets it” yet.

Taylor Griffin – The only thing Taylor Griffin did in his rookie year was go bald.

Griffin played only 32 NBA minutes in his rookie year, alongside 12 games on assignment in the D-League. Down there, he averaged 28.8 minutes, 9.6 points, 6.2 rebounds, 2.2 assists and 1.3 steals per game, shooting 44% from the field and 24% from three point range. Griffin has the makings of a good Shane Battier-esque little things type of player, but just making it to the roster next year would be an achievement. He’s not a scorer, nor can he dribble. Griffin was waived by the Suns last week, and is now looking for work. The D-League beckons.

Raymar Morgan – Morgan just finished a four year stint as a role player at Michigan State. He’s a versatile offensive player, able to drive the ball, score from the post, and hit a few outside jumpshots. He’s also a decent athlete, rebounder and defensive player, with good enough size for a combo forward at 6’8 ish. Yet there’s no one thing he’s particularly good at, and his perimeter game is below par. Morgan would have had more of a chance to develop one had he not suffered so much from injuries and illness, another red flag against him.

Lee Nailon – Still going, is old Lee. Still going. Specifically in Puerto Rico, where the shots continue to go up.

Ruben Patterson – OK, so this entry might have been more fitting in 2008. But so be it. Patterson’s best NBA season was his penultimate one. As a member of the 2006/07 Bucks, Patterson set career highs in points per game, rebounds per game, assists per game and field goal percentage, scoring 14.7 points a night on 55% shooting and putting up a PER of 18.5. Since then, though, his NBA career saw only one more contract, an unguaranteed minimum salary contract at that. That was all he could get the following summer from the Clippers, despite the strength of those statistics from the previous year. Worse still, Patterson couldn’t even make it the whole season with the team, being waived before the contract guarantee date.

Patterson signed with the Nuggets for training camp in 2008, but did not make the team. He later played 3 games in Lebanon, but he has nothing to his name this year. (Except this arrest.) The 2007/08 season marked the (current) end of his NBA career, despite him still having something to give as an athlete, defender and post-up option. Perhaps it had something to do with what Steve Patterson (no relation) describes here.

Adam Morrison – Morrison is one of the biggest draft busts of all time. He can make tough shots, but because of how unbelievably unathletic he is, every shot is a tough shot. Morrison can’t play defense, doesn’t want to rebound or pass, and seems to make every shot harder for no obvious reason. On the rare occasions that he gets to play, he continues to take the kind of shots that he took in college, but without the justification for doing so any more. The resulting concoction is just not a good player. The only ability he has is one he shouldn’t really be utilising.

Desmond Mason – Mason started the year with the Kings, but he really did not look good. He put up a 6.2 PER, and was quickly waived. Mason remained unsigned since; proposed links to a couple of different ACB teams never came off. With his athleticism going, Mason hasn’t a lot to offer any more, save for reasonable perimeter defence and some 6’7 posting-up. The jumpshot never developed and now never will.

Marcus E. Williams – Strangely, Williams turned down a 10 day contract from the Pacers at the end of last season. He is good enough to be in the NBA, which is why he has been on more than once occasion, and he has been putting in work to turn into a point guard over the last few years. But he isn’t a full time one. Williams can handle the ball, drive, rebound, shoot a bit and play adequate defense, yet he had an opportunity and didn’t take it. He’ll be lucky to get another.

Alando Tucker – Tucker was waived by the Timberwolves after the deadline in order to go and play in Puerto Rico. He was then waived by his Puerto Rican team for undeperforming. Not a good year. Not a good three years, actually. Tucker played only 51 games and 426 minutes on his rookie contract, most of which were in garbage time, which doesn’t give us a whole lot to go on.

Qyntel Woods – His NBA legacy isn’t pretty; too much pot, too much legal trouble, too much dogfighting, and too little realised potential. But since leaving the NBA, Qyntel Woods has managed to established a strong career for himself. Woods has played a season and a half for Polish powerhouse Prokom Gdynia, and while the Polish league isn’t amongst the best in Europe – although it’s not bad – Gdynia are a perennial Euroleague team. If you’re in the Euroleague, you’ve got a good gig, and if you do well in the Euroleague, then you’ll get noticed. Woods has done especially well there this year, averaging 16.9 points, 6.2 rebounds and 2.5 assists per game, ranking third in the competition in points and seventh in rebounds. He has also averaged 14.5 points, 6.6 rebounds and 2.5 assists in only 25 minutes per game in the Polish league, and even though he’s not a particularly good three point shooter, he’s improved, cranking up 5 a game and hitting them at 35%.

Woods will likely not return to Prokom next season and is a free agent. But he’s now faced with a problem; there’s no market for him. Despite the failure of his NBA career, both on and off the court, Woods has become a star in Europe; despite the stardom he’s found in Europe, no one wants to pay him. His future is up in the air. He has been connected with the Cavaliers, Wizards and Nets, as well as Real Madrid; he may yet also return to Prokom. An NBA return is not impossible.

Florent Pietrus – The Bobcats were said to be chasing Pietrus hard last season, but didn’t sign him. They seem to really, really, really like defensive small forwards who can’t score – hence the signing of Stephen Graham instead, and Dominic McGuire last month – and Pietrus is definitely that. Florent Pietrus is everything Mickael is without the three point jumpshot, and probably the better defender. But on offense, there’s problems.

Andre Emmett – In the last two years, Emmett has averaged 33ppg in China, 24ppg in France, 26ppg in Venezuela and 24ppg in Belgium. He’s carefully avoided Italy and Spain, and didn’t work out in his couple of NBA seasons, but he’s putting up the numbers. And presumably, he’s stacking paper.

Carlos Powell – Powell puts up stats across the board wherever he goes. As evidence of that, here are his stats from last season;

Albuquerque Thunderbirds (D-League): 22.1ppg, 5.0rpg, 5.0apg, 1.6spg, 0.6bpg
Liaoning Hunters (China): 20.7ppg, 4.6rpg, 3.3apg, 1.3spg, 1.0bpg

The knocks on him are that his outside jumpshot is weak, and that he is extremely ball dominant. But production is production, and Powell is big enough and strong enough to get to the rim in the NBA just like he does in the minors. No one has taken a chance on him yet, though.

Shawne Williams – Nope.

Brian Scalabrine statue idea

Power forwards

Melvin Ely – The days of Melvin Ely being thought to have promise are genuinely over. The now-32 year old did not play in the NBA last season, and may never play in it again. Apart from one good season – conveniently, a contract season – Ely has been (not had) a substantial bust in his NBA career, shooting only .457% and having a career total rebounding percentage of only 11.7% (which is only just better than Luol Deng’s career mark of 10.8%.) Ely can block the occasional shot, but so can many players. And most of them can grab rebounds and score better than that.

Louis Amundson – Amundson is way too good to be any team’s fifth man. But for whatever reason, this free agency market doesn’t seem to know that. You could make a legitimate argument that Amundson outperformed Taj Gibson last year, and the two are certainly comparable players. Amundson doesn’t have a mid-range jumpshot as good as Taj’s – although it’s not bad – but he’s of a comparable size, a slightly better rebounder, a better shot-blocker and a better pick-and-roll option. He’s in his prime and fresh out of Phoenix, which can be bad for a man’s numbers, but he is better than a minimum salary 11th man. The boy showed last year that he can play. Someone should let him do this. He fits in Golden State perfectly.

James Singleton – Singleton has long been a favourite of mine, an effective combo forward who fell out of the NBA when he never should have done. He can’t dribble, but he can shoot, defend, hustle and rebound, providing the same sort of mismatches that he similarly fails to alleviate. Every team needs a player like James Singleton. This is how Devean George gets so much work.

Pops Mensah-Bonsu – Wherever he plies his trade in this world, Pops makes things happen on the court. “Things” can often include bad stuff, such as turnovers, airballs, ridiculously ambitious drives to the basket, and silly fouls. But making things happen is also a good thing in a big man, and something that’s often overlooked in a league that seems to have a bizarre fetish for old stagnant farts that doesn’t contribute on the court in any significant way. (You know the types. Some of them are on this list.) Mensah-Bonsu always sports a great rebounding rate, can get some points through sheer hustle and athleticism, and has a good handle for a power forward. He is prone to the occasional delusion of grandeur, but he causes turnovers, wins possessions, scores some baskets, grabs some rebounds, blocks some shots, runs the bejeezus out of the floor, and is disruptive around the basket. No team can have enough of that.

Maceo Baston – Baston’s NBA redux between 2007 and 2009 didn’t see him play a whole lot, but he did do quite well in the time that he did get. Last season was his worst season, yet even Baston’s worst season was pretty good; he averaged 2.5 points and 2 rebounds in 8 minutes per game, and his PER was 12.3. His career PER is 14.4, too, which makes you wonder why he’s only played 831 NBA minutes in three and a bit seasons. He didn’t play in the NBA last year and is now 35 years old, but he’s always been productive. And, in the NBA at least, he’s always been overlooked too.

Joe Smith – Smilin’ Joe is a scoring option, armed with a good mid-range jumpshot, hook shots with both hands, and an impossibly chipper demeanour. He is certainly not the player he once was, and probably wouldn’t even be the player that he was once after reinventing himself from the player he was once, either. This is evidenced by the 40% he shot last season for Atlanta, scoring 194 points on 193 shots. Yet if we’re willing to overlook last year as an anomaly, then Joe has something to contribute offensively.

Mike Sweetney – Sweetney’s never-ending weight problems, covered here before, are no better. He was listed on the Wizards summer league roster earlier this month, yet he never played for the team. The Wizards wouldn’t let him because he turned up too fat. This is the story of Sweetney’s career, an oft-chronicled one around these parts. It doesn’t look like it’ll change any time soon.

Darius Miles – Miles returned from what was believed to be a career ending injury to play for Memphis in 2008-09, amidst a hugely unpleasant soap opera. And despite all the drama, even in spite of having to re-invent himself as a smaller big man, he actually wasn’t bad. He played less than 300 minutes but posted a PER of 16.1, which would have tied his career best had he played a more significant number of minutes. He chipped in with some rebounds, blocked a ton of shots, and even found a free throw stroke for somewhere, no longer the world-beating athlete of his youth but still a good one, even after the supposedly career ending knee injury. However, this was all undermined when it was revealed that Memphis were worried about Miles’s poisonous attitude, which became the reason why they did not invite him back. Of all the things Miles needs to work on – health, staying in shape, jumpshot, ball skills, not smoking pot – this one must come first if this comeback is ever to get anywhere.

Malik Allen – Malik has been plying his trade with the Nets, Mavericks, Bucks and Nuggets in recent years. He has consistently not added to his game, demonstrating little else but a pick-and-pop jumpshot and an aversion to physical defense. Last year, he wasn’t even good at the shooting part, shooting only .397% and doing his usual act of taking only 13 free throws all season. At the very least, you know what you’re getting from Malik Allen. I reared back for a compliment there, but that’s all I could find.

Sean May – As a lottery pick, Sean May busted quite badly. Partly due to weight problems, and partly due to knee injuries exacerbated by the weight problems. May lost weight last summer and joined up with the Sacramento Kings, looking for a career redux; however, he didn’t get one. May played only 37 games for the Kings – which admittedly is a career high for him – and was out of the rotation for most of the season. May can make shots from inside and out, as well as pass the ball, but he makes plenty of mistakes, scores inefficiently, and has a very lengthy history of knee trouble.

Keith Brumbaugh – If you know anything about his story, you’ll know that talent was never the issue, not when compared to his lengthy arrest record and complete lack of professional background. It’s why he didn’t play in the NCAA, and why he subsequently get drafted. Brumbaugh has spent two years in the D-League, averaging 8.3 points and 3.7 rebounds in his first season, rising to 15.9 points, 5.5 rebounds and 2.4 assists last season. He is starting to realise his potential. But unfortunately, he turns 25 tomorrow. You’re not past it at 25 – which is a relief, since I’m 25 as well – yet you need to be somewhere close to your best at that time.

Rob Kurz – Kurz was a Chicago Bull as of the start of this month. He never played for them, but got a few grand and great playoff seats for the privilege of spending two months with the greatest team in the world. Kurz is an NBA calibre player with very good rebounding numbers, decent defense and an old-school one handed jumpshot, a face-up combo forward with occasional post offense who should be in the NBA somewhere next year.

Jonathan Bender – Last season, Bender came out of retirement at the ripe old age of 28 to play for the Knicks. Bender was always good, but retired because he ran out of bone cartilege; after a few years of letting the pain subside, Bender came back to see if he still had anything to give. He was OK, putting up a PER of 10.8 in 25 games, not helped by a broken finger. Bender’s lost the athleticism of his youth, but he’s a skilled face-up 7 footer who can shoot and drive the ball. He’s always been an incredibly disinterested rebounder, and he turns it over quite a lot (perhaps in part due to the lack of court time), yet Bender can still block shots, even now he can’t jump as much. He’s a permanent injury risk, but he’s still intriguing.

Esteban Batista – Batista’s two years in the NBA saw him do nothing but offensive rebound and foul. He then won a place in fan’s hearts for his performances with the Uruguayan national team against the USA, including an alley-oop dunk over Amare Stoudemire. Batista has been in Europe since leaving the NBA, with mixed results, and he continues to offensive rebound and foul. He couldn’t get any shots off in the NBA and was too slow to keep up, but his jumpshot has improved in his time in Europe, which might help.

Antoine Walker – He’ll take the minimum.

Brian Scalabrine – So will he.

James Mays – Former Clemson forward Mays has always preferred to face the basket, and is a talented face-up passer, yet in recent years he has resorted to taking a lot of threes. Perhaps the reason for his new-found three point affinity has something to do with the torn achilles tendon that caused him to miss almost all of the 2008-09 season. That can cripple a man’s athleticism. Whatever the reason, though, his 29.6% conversion rate in Puerto Rico this spring doesn’t seem to justify the career move.

Chris Hunter – Hunter spent all of last season with the Warriors, where he fouled a lot. He also didn’t rebound well. Nevertheless, aside from the fouls, Hunter doesn’t make too many mistakes, which is a far cry from his Michigan days. He also blocks some shots, is decently athletic, and has an OK jumpshot. If he can get better at the last thing, he might find a niche for the long term.

Mikki Moore – Moore started last year with the Warriors, but was waived part way through the year, even with 20 starts under his belt. He was an underrated and underpaid backup who, because of the brilliance of Jason Kidd, quickly became overrated and overpaid. Soon to be 35, Moore hasn’t got many years left, yet he should still be able to help a team with his athleticism, energy and rangy jumpshot.

Tim Thomas – Since the last time Chicago bought him out it, Thomas has been with the Mavericks, whose former stats guru called him “underrated.” Thomas responded to that acclaim by playing in only 18 games all year due to injury, and recording a plus/minus of -5.3. Thomas will probably re-sign with the Mavericks, giving him a chance to improve upon that and prove Winston right.

Ike Diogu – Diogu missed last season after microfracture surgery on his knee. Because of that, and because of his limited minutes on his rookie contract, Diogu has become overlooked by media and executives alike. But even if he’s not the smartest sausage in the world, Diogu can play. His career PER is 16.1; his career TS% is .577%. Injuries and lack of opportunity have defined his career, yet Diogu is a good and efficient interior scorer (17.7pp36m career) who has become much overlooked. Unless it’s due to the knee injury, there’s no reason why Ike Diogu should not be in the NBA next season.

Anthony Tolliver – Tolliver was an undersized rebounding centre in college who knew he needed to develop an outside shot to make it at the next level, and now that he’s done so, it’s the vast majority of what he does offensively. He’s not a bad defender, either, albeit on comparably face-up power forwards and not when defending the post.

Walter Herrmann – Herrmann’s return to Caja Laboral is not certain yet. (Or if it is, I missed it.) Caja have lost Tiago Splitter (San Antonio), Vladimir Golubovic (Banvit, Turkey) and will probably be losing Lior Eliyahu (who might return to Maccabi Tel-Aviv) from their frontcourt. However, they’re also allegedly about to bring in Pneumonia Bjelica, and are also said to be chasing Esteban Batista, offering up Walter Herrmann in return. If Herrmann does become a free agent, I’d love to see him back in the NBA. He was a good little backup (career PER of 14.0), is better than Brian Scalabrine, and does a solid job of replicating of another NBA calibre talent, Bostjan Nachbar. Speaking of…..

Bostjan Nachbar – ……Bostjan Nachbar is also a free agent.

Brian Cardinal – Gone are the days of Brian Cardinal, the overpaid yet underrated little things player and decent defender. The knees have gone, and with them has gone his production. Last season, in two separate stints with the Timberwolves, Cardinal returned totals of 48 points, 29 rebounds, 24 assists and 56 fouls. He has played over 440 minutes only once in the last five seasons, and has been kept in the league solely on the basis of his contract, which has now expired. Cardinal was a genuinely decent player for a while, but that time has passed. I only hope that David Kahn knows this.

Mac Koshwal – Koshwal has been the only good thing going for DePaul over the last two years, so it was a bit of a scrote kick when he left early. He was slated to be drafted for much of the year, but fell out of the second round later on, although staying at DePaul for another year of Big East embarrassment probably wouldn’t have changed that. Koshwal has an uncanny knack for getting steals when playing pick and roll defense, mainly through standing still and sticking his hands out, and he has a decent if not terrific post-up games. He turns it over a huge amount, but you probably would too if you had to kick the ball out to Mike Bizoukas.

Koshwal is reportedly going to sign with Israeli team Galil Gilboa, although nothing is official yet.

Robert Swift


Shaquille O’Neal – This, ladies and gentlemen, is why the “he’s a superstar, he can say what he likes” defense does not wash. For years, Shaq would call people out in whatever way he so chose, including unnecessary pot shots at players like Ricky Davis and Chris Quinn, just because he wanted the press to like him. But now? Now that he needs the NBA? The NBA does not need him. Had he been a nicer guy, there wouldn’t be the locker room doubts that are now submarining his otherwise-good-enough production.

Josh Boone – Boone did not improve during the duration of his rookie contract; in fact, after Marcus Williams left, Boone only got worse. This decline is evident in his free throw percentage, which achieved the unusual feat of going downwards for four consecutive seasons (54%, 46%, 38%, 33%). Nonetheless, Boone is occasionally useful for some pick and roll offense, and grabs enough rebounds to matter.

Radoslav Nesterovic – Rasho has had a career which has been far in excess of that of almost everyone else on this list. He has been a good player for many years, even once the starter on a title winning team. Now into the 18th season of his professional career, Rasho is very much on the backslide of his career; nevertheless, he remains productive, blocking some shots, rebounding averagely, and hitting jumpshots.

In an exciting piece of additional trivia, Rasho amazingly attempted only 5 free throws all of last season, compared to 149 field goals. This isn’t really indicative of anything; I just wanted to say it.

EDIT – Rasho has signed with Olympiakos. Let’s Euroleague!

Patrick O’Bryant – O’Bryant was Rasho’s backup last season, and has not done anything in four NBA seasons. In that time he has totalled 186 points, 127 rebounds and 126 fouls. Last year, O’Bryant played only 51 minutes all season for Toronto, and fouled 12 times in that span. O’Bryant really isn’t as talentless as his numbers suggest; he can make a few baskets around the rim and is a good shotblocker. But to keep getting contracts,he’s going to have to get (and seize) a good opportunity. And to do that, he’s going to have to stop fouling.

Primoz Brezec – Like the majority of the “shooters” on this list, Brezec does not have three point range. Not in the NBA, at least. His jumpshot is pretty much all he has – that and the clumsy foul – and even then, Brezec has only 1 career made three point field goal. He can’t dribble, post, finish, rebound, defend or run; what you’re left with is a very, very, very big jumpshooter. By the way, Bruno Sundov is also available.

Brian Skinner – It has never really mattered that Brian Skinner is undersized, because he collects rebounds and blocks anyway. He may have all the catching ability of a lettuce and a soft dexterous touch akin to being groped by Captain Hook, but defense is defense. Skinner produces just as much as Kwame Brown does, and without the soap opera. He just turned 34 and was dreadul last season, but the previous 10 were pretty good.

Kyrylo Fesenko – It took a while, but Kyrylo Fesenko finally beat out Kosta Koufos for the Jazz backup centre spot. And now that Koufos has been traded, Fesenko should return and do the same once again. Maybe next year he’ll crack the 1,000 minute mark.

Nate Jawai – After three teams in two years, Jawai couldn’t get so much as a qualifying offer from the Minnesota Timberwolves. They traded for him to fill out their roster in last year’s training camp, and even gave him a couple of starts, but Jawai responded with bad foul and rebounding rates, and a PER of only 11.0. He then injured his ankle and played very sparingly after January; the team then saw fit to bring in Greg Stiemsma for the remainder of the season and did not extend Nate a qualifying offer. Those things do not bode well.

Kwame Brown – For all of the abject fail that has drizzled his career, Kwame Brown can truly defend the post. Anything offensive-related is highly questionable; Kwame can’t catch, never could shoot, doesn’t have good touch, has gotten worse in all facets of shot making, and has lost his athleticism. Yet he rebounds well enough (16.2% total rebounding percentage last season), and defends the post admirably. It comes at the expense of fouls, turnovers and no offensive ability whatsoever, but since this is the minimum salary we’re talking about, it might be OK.

Ronny Turiaf’s views on the issue are a little different.

Jake Voskuhl – Voskuhl did not play professionally last season. In the season before that, he put up a PER of 0.4 in 38 games for Toronto. Just firing it out there.

Sean Marks – Quite incredibly, Sean Marks has just completed his tenth NBA season. It’s incredible because I’d be willing to bet there’s a good many NBA fans out there who have managed to not see a single minute of hot Sean Marks action in those ten seasons. Marks’s career totals in those ten years are only 201 games and 2,067 minutes, including only 14 games and 75 minutes last year. This is partly because he’s often injured, partly because he’s often fighting for a contract, yet also because he’s a marginal talent. Marks is a soft 7 footer who doesn’t like physical play and who doesn’t rebound well, and while he’s a good shot maker, he has shot only 45% for his career. It’s very much to his credit that this limited CV has turned into more years of NBA experience than you’ve had hot dinners, yet eleven seems like a definite stretch.

Jackie Butler – Butler hasn’t played, anywhere, since the end of the 2006-07 season. And when he did play, he had only two good months. Butler is 6’11, athletic enough and can score the ball, but he does not rebound, defend, or stay in shape. Or stay in work.

Jared Reiner – 28 year old Reiner is working on a streak of seven consecutive training camp contracts. He is much the same player as he was when he played with us back in 2004-05, although Reiner started to develop a three point jumpshot last season, hitting sixteen of them in 8 games in the Puerto Rican SN (making four), and somehow managing to attempt only 3 free throws to 107 total field goals. He had not hit a single three pointer in his entire collegiate and professional careers combined, over a span of ten years. It would be a stretch, though, to say that he’s now got a three point stroke.

Jason and Jarron Collins – The two are listed together for the simple reason that they’re identical in every way. Jason used to be considerably better, but he’s not now – not since Kiefer Sutherland and Eddie Izzard have two different people been so identical in every way. Both are little things players, big and versatile defenders, charge-takers and heartbreakers; neither can score or rebound. Both put up absolutely dreadful numbers when measured by any conventional metrics. Coaches continue to love them anyway for their “intangibles.” Jason is said to have agreed to re-sign in Atlanta, but hasn’t done so yet. For this reason, they are candidates for your team, regardless of whether you want them to be.

EDIT: Jason’s re-signing with Atlanta is now official. This, by default, makes Jarron hotter property. Buy early to avoid disappointment.

Stromile SwiftTyrus Thomas was more similar to Stromile than we Bulls fans ever could have accepted, which is slightly worrying as Stromile spent last season in China. He was bought out by the Nets at the 2009 playoff deadline, and signed with the Phoenix Suns to complete the 2008-09 season. But the only contract he could get for this season was an unguaranteed minimum with the Sixers, and even that was insufficient, as the team waived him before the regular season started. Stromile then went to China, where he averaged 22.1 points, 11.8 rebounds and 3.1 blocks per game for the playoffless Shandong Flaming Bulls. (As an aside, Stromile hit four three pointers on the season; curiously, all four of them came in the same game.) It was only two short years ago that Swift was an effective player on both ends of an NBA court, and although he’s now 30, I believe that he could still be so.

This dunk remains extremely underrated.

Fabricio Oberto – Last season for Washington, the 35 year old Fabricio Oberto totalled 650 minutes, 83 points, 105 fouls, 36 turnovers and 121 fouls. He’s a good little-things player, and it’s good that he is, because he sure as hell can’t do the big things any more. The fact that Washington sold the number 32 pick for $2.5 million, just to spend $2 million of that on Oberto’s terrible year, is representative of the kind of thinking that got the franchise so stuck in the first place. At least they’ve finally blown the doors off of it and can begin again.

Earl Barron – Despite their free agency plan, the Knicks never renounced Earl Barron. They did this because they intend to re-sign him for more than the minimum; in 7 games last season, Barron averaged 12/11. Barron is a big old boy – 7 foot, about 250lb – who only really wants to use that size to get off mid-range jumpshots. He has great touch on that shot and is a pretty polished offensive player, but he’s not a physical defender, and nor is he normally a good rebounder. Those numbers from last season were the exception, not the rule. Nevertheless, Barron is good enough to be in the NBA.

Mark Blount – Last preseason, Minnesota encouraged Mark Blount and his representatives to seek a trade for him, since the Timberwolves didn’t want him. They couldn’t find one. Minnesota then encouraged Blount and his people to find someone who’d sign him in free agency, so that they could begin buyout talks. They couldn’t find one of those either. Minnesota eventually waived Blount anyway, and he did not play a single minute last season. That should say something.

Robert Swift – After five years and only 97 games played due to injury, Swift fell out of the NBA last summer and went to the D-League to play for the Bakersfield Jam. Swift was born and raised in Bakersfield, so it was a logical unison; however, after only two games with the Jam, Swift asked to be released for personal reasons. The Jam obliged him, and their head coach Will Voigt said that it appears Swift is done with basketball aged only 24. If he has a re-think, it is worth a team seeing if he was healthy, for, on the rare occasions that he was, Swift showed signs of usefulness. But if he isn’t, and if he just doesn’t want to do this any more, then it’s a non-starter.

Francisco Elson – Now 34 years of age, Elson split last season between the Bucks and the Sixers. Between the two he totalled only 66 minutes, 12 points and 14 rebounds. Elson has made his name as a defender, which explaisn why he continues to get NBA work despite being neither a scorer nor a rebounder.

Jerome James – …..Yeah, maybe not.

Adonal Foyle – Adonal Foyle would be the ideal candidate for many team’s backup centre spots, were it not for one small flaw. He has played only 10 total games over the two seasons, including none last season, due to a knee injury that may force his retirement. Foyle has made no official statement on the matter, and as recently as March was said to not want to quit, yet it doesn’t look great.

Etan Thomas – Thomas’s 6 year contract has finally expired, and it didn’t exactly crescendo. Etan has played only 49 games over the last three seasons due to a variety of ailments, including open heart surgery and a torn MCL. The injuries have more than derailed his career; they might have ended. Nevertheless, if Thomas is still healthy enough to play, then he has enough skills to contribute. He insist on using a jumpshot that he doesn’t have, yet he makes shots around the basket, blocks shots, and is pretty atheltic for a 6’10 player. HIi rebounding has tumbled away after all the injuries, but that used to be decent too.

Oleksiy Pecherov – Stewie’s season peaked in a preseason game versus Chicago. He kept Minnesota in the game single-handedly with 16 points in 21 minutes, then lost it for them single-handedly with a series of incredibly bad decisions. Offensively, he takes bad threes and turns it over. Defensively, he fouls. He’s quite a good rebounder, but that’s all he’s shown.

Didier Ilunga-Mbenga – Mbenga is an athletic 7 footer and a shotblocker, with decent rebounding rates, and an occasional desire to shoot on every possession, which can be highly amusing in garbage time and highly destructive in actually important moments. He also has two championship rings, which may or may not be more than the rest of this list combined.

Randolph Morris – Morris just completed a guaranteed two year contract with the Hawks, and now has four years of NBA experience to his name. Also to his names are totals of 438 minutes, 140 points, 104 rebounds and 100 fouls. Nonetheless, he showed a little something last year. Morris only ever received garbage time minutes, but in them, he at least showed the ability to score the ball. 62 points in a season is not something to be ecstatic about from a fourth year player, yet Morris demonstrated the offensive talent that got him this far, and it might just help him land somewhere else for next year. Now, he needs to stop fouling.

(If you need proof that Morris made significant strides last year, look no further than his year-on-year PER; 1.5, 4.3, 1.8, 14.6. Quite the crescendo. Even better, Morris only played 4.4 minutes per game, so per 36 minutes that equates to a PER of 118.7. And that’s quite high.)

Michael Ruffin – Ruffin finally flumped out of the NBA last year, and spent a month in Spain instead. The worst offensive player in thie history of the NBA can still play aggressive perimeter defense. However, he is also still completely unable to produce anything of substance on the court, other than slightly above average offensive rebounding.

Steven Hunter – Hunter is probably done due to years of injuries caused by years of jumping. They are best described here.

Courtney Sims – After a blistering start to the 2008/09 D-League season, Sims became hot sizzle. He had already played in training camp with the Pacers (2007) and the Hornets (2008), but it was that year that he really broke out, winning the D-League Player of the Year and All-Star Game MVP awards, and averaging 22.8ppg/11.0rpg/2.0bpg. It earned him midseason call-ups to both the Suns and Knicks, and then for training camp 2009, he signed with Atlanta, where he failed to make the cut. Sims trailed in other leagues last year (Belgium, China, D-League, Puerto Rico), and his star was definitely burning brighter at this time last year, but he should still probably come with a training camp contract somewhere.

Nikola Vujcic – Vujcic has just been released by Olympiakos, who are looking to trim payroll. The 32 year old is a highly accomplished offensive player, standing 6’11 with great low-post and passing skills; he has the only two triple doubles in the history of the Euroleague, both of which involved assists. He is no longer the superstar that he was, and his minutes took a nosedive due to the presence of Sofoklis Schortsanitis and Giannis Bourousis last year (amongst others), yet Vujcic is as close of a like-for-like replacement as there is for Brad Miller out there, albeit with far more low post than high. For that reason, despite his advancing age and ever-increasing tendency to get injured, there exists a good opportunity here for Vujcic to finally join the NBA. But he’d probably have to take a discount, because plays who struggle to play 15 minutes are only minimum salary calibre.

Sean Williams – Williams was in the NBA to begin this season, but only because his salary was guaranteed, and not because his play had merited it. He played in only 20 games and 227 minutes with the Mets before being waived when they needed a roster spot for someone they didn’t even want (Sean’s namesake, Shawne Williams). Considering Sean came into the NBA needing to improve many facets of his game – particularly anything resembling consistent offensive contribution – it was perhaps disconcerting that he got worse year on year, rather than better. Williams’s athleticism and shot blocking are all in order, but the other facets of his game are not, and he’s continued to encounter trouble off the court in his NBA career.

Chris Richard – Richard is an oft-injured undersized 6’9 centre who can’t score, defends via the foul and who doesn’t rebound particularly well. He was a mere sixth man in 4 years of college, underwhelmed in the D-League, and has done nothing in his time in the NBA. But aided by some love from the Bulls, he keeps coming back. And he really can play man to man post defense.

Peter John Ramos – Ramos is coming back to the NBA this summer. I can’t tell you where; not because I’m being coy or anything, but because I don’t actually know. The story, though, is that Ramos will return to the NBA in the next couple of weeks, with a team you’ll know about as soon as I do. Maybe even before.

Mario Kasun – Former Magic centre Kasun will not be returning to Turkish team Efes Pilsen, and is thus a free agent. His two seasons in the NBA still intrigue me; decent scoring, very good rebounding, and truly ridiculous foul rates. He still fouls a lot now, averaging 2.1 fouls in 14 minutes per game in the Turkish league. Now 30, this can no longer be cited to rawness. Absolutely no one in any position of authority in the NBA is considering Kasun as a candidate, and he and his agents are probably not considering it either. I think it’s just me on this one.

David Harrison – Speaking of fouling a lot, David Harrison averaged 4.1 fouls in 26 minutes per game in China next season. This was a minor improvement on his 4.2fpg the season before.

Garret Siler – The Hawks signed Siler for training camp last season, but despite their perennial lack of centres, they did not keep him. Siler then went to China, where he averaged 14.1ppg, 9.3rpg and 1.6bpg in only 23.2 mpg. His per minute numbers are obviously substantial, and the field goal shooting (76%) was as ridiculously freaking efficient as ever, but unfortunately Siler can’t stay on the court. After putting up 13 points, 14 rebounds, 7 blocks and 6 fouls on 32 minutes on debut, Siler’s PT after that was inconsistent due to his foul problems. Only four times did he play more than 30 minutes per game, and he once fouled out in only 10. Siler averaged 4.2 fouls per game while playing less than half of it, which is quite an extreme problem. (Mind you, Amir Johnson just got $6 million a year after a lifelong struggle with the same problem.)

Scoring that efficiently cannot be overlooked, though. The lowest field goal percentage Siler has ever shot anywhere, ever, is 68.9%. That is simply ridiculous, and it makes a team want to overlook the flaws in his game. Rightly. Siler has a chance.

I stopped short of including players who would have starred on this list five years ago, who continue to ply their trades elsewhere. This meant no Jelani McCoy, no Rodney Buford, no Keith McLeod, and no Dan Dickau. I could have opened it up to include more undrafted players; Trevon Hughes, Artsiom Parakhouski, Gavin Edwards, etc. But I didn’t. It had to stop somewhere.

There are players who either have or had NBA calibre all over the world; for an accurate-as-I-can-get-it and more comprehensive list off free agents, look here.

Transactions continue to take place around the world; for a list of them pertaining to relevant players, click here.

Posted by at 10:15 PM

7500 Comments about The best of what's left

  1. MC WelkJuly 30, 2010, 11:39 pm

    Great article. Did you intend to include more in the Fesenko entry? Also, one of the Collinses has signed. Thanks.

  2. HyperboleJuly 31, 2010, 6:54 pm

    I love the Jerome James analysis. Short and to the point. He needs some time away from basketball to spend his money.

  3. Dylan MurphyJuly 31, 2010, 9:15 pm

    Someone really should sign Jon Scheyer. You'd think his ability to NOT turn it over, his winning pedigree and shooting ability would get him a 12th man spot, at the least.

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  4. coachbeanAugust 1, 2010, 12:48 am

    Lets hope an NBA GM has the guts to sign Garret Siler. To me the fouls should not be an issue since he will be only get backup or garbage minutes. It would be fun to see him try to break Wilt Chamberlain's single season record for FG% at 72.7%. And really, how often can we talk about any player breaking one of Wilt's records?

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    The Celtics presumably waived Landry and brought in Lafayette and Gaffney in order to have their 2010-2011 non-guaranteed contracts as trade assets.

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    Такие установки обычно размещают во время планирования коттеджного строительства, проектировании многоэтажных домов, складов, промышленных предприятий и на индивидуальном участке, когда есть угроза размыва фундамента.Кроме того бурение скважин для дренажа в Минске производят в таких случаях:
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    Чтобы гарантировано избавиться от проблемы, стоит воспользоваться услугами профессионалов, заказав технологическое бурение скважин в Минске в «БурАвтоГрупп». В итоге, это окажется более выгодным, нежели пользоваться конструкциями сомнительного самодельного устройства, а затем решать, как восстановить трещину на стенах и другие возможные повреждения.Методы бурения скважины для дренажа
    Средняя глубина скважины дренажного назначения составляет от 4 до 10 метров(до песчано гравийных отложений). При обращении к специалистам, цифра определяется на этапе разработки – составляется грунтовая карта, где намечаются необходимые точки дренажа.Для бурения скважины наша компания использует исключительно роторный способ.Особенности бурения дренажной скважины Обустройство скважины для дренажа в Минской области, как и любом другом городе, предполагает соблюдение таких условий:
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    Важно остановить работу буровой остановки вовремя, чтобы не дойти до водоносного слоя
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    Керамзит или щебень, который будет помещен в выбуренную скважину
    Обсадные трубы, выполненные из пластика, также можно использовать трубы из асбеста.
    Важно использовать для обустройства качественные материалы, а еще лучше доверить это дело лучшей в обустройстве дренажных скважин в Минске компании «БурАвтоГрупп». Это важно для того, чтобы предотвратить заливание, а также снизить к нулю риски заваливания конструкции.В зависимости от объема планируемой скважины и сложности грунта, все работы по разработке, бурению и обустройству дренажной скважины занимают, в среднем, около 2 дней.

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    Стоимость обустройства и монтажа канализации
    Стоимость монтажа канализации зависит от глубины вырываемого котлована, количества бетонных колец и начинается от 1000 рублей.
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    2 этап:
    После выявления причины неисправности, составляется план работ по восстановлению скважины наиболее подходящим методом в каждом конкретном случае.

    3 этап:
    После ремонта выдаётся акт выполненных ремонтных работ и рекомендации по уходу за восстановленной скважиной.

    Диагностика скважины и выявление причин неисправностей
    Перед тем как наметить план ремонтных работ и выяснить причины поломки, необходимо провести обследование и оценить состояние скважины. Если неисправность вызвана заиливанием и вообще попаданием посторонних примесей, то поможет обыкновенная промывка скважины. Несколько часов – и Ваша скважина снова даёт чистую воду. Если же дело серьёзнее, и повреждён фильтр либо насосное оборудование, понадобится ремонт скважины на воду.

    Для обеспечения беспрерывной работы скважины, необходимо правильно её эксплуатировать, проводить регулярное обслуживание и устранять мелкие поломки своевременно, не дожидаясь когда скважина перестанет работать совсем.

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    If you have actually ever checked into the world of financial investment, after that you already
    learn about just how unstable as well as uncertain financial
    investments can be, yet the globe of purchasing money has actually
    simply taken an additional turn. Today, there are many individuals who are
    getting right into the globe of buying assets like the asset oil, due to the fact that costs are climbing
    up and also the supply is decreasing. If you desire to take benefit of this
    trend, after that you are going to need to discover
    regarding just how to buy bitcoins and other electronic properties.

    For those investors who are looking to make long
    term investments, they will certainly desire to look right into the benefits of
    making use of a great volatility indication to
    assist them determine which trades to make. The ideal means to find out regarding just how to get bitcoin as well as
    various other electronic properties is to review up on some
    of the most reliable and common volatility indicators made use of in the world of commodity and also currency trading.

    In the globe of bitcoin trading, there are
    two types of exchanges that are typically used. There are foreign exchange investors
    who use the New York Board of Trade (NYBOT) to position their professions,
    as well as there are spot traders that make use of the Foreign Exchange (FX) market to place their trades.

    Those who recognize with the globe of internet finance will recognize that the bitcoin money procedure is made use
    of to facilitate peer to peer transfers. Transactions made with the bitcoin money protocol are made in between buyers
    as well as sellers in similar method as they would be made in between individuals.
    Users can send their purchases to others by completing a simple deal, similar
    to they would with any other website on the Internet.
    While this sort of deal occurs on the world broad web, the bitcoin protocol also
    makes it possible for those who wish to trade currencies to
    move their deals to various other users of the system. This allows customers to trade money
    for a number of different electronic assets.

    Area exchange – The Foreign Exchange or FX market – is another type
    of online trading which takes place in between buyers and vendors
    across the globe. With the aid of a broker,
    investors can make protected deals and can also make profits if they recognize how to make excellent investments with
    the international exchange market.

    Place exchanges resemble most of the other online
    trading places that have actually been around for a long time.
    Because a lot of individuals do not need to exchange huge quantities of money each day, these types of locations have a tendency
    to be rather small. They use the benefit of permitting financiers as well as individuals to deal money from worldwide, while still providing them the chance to buy and market a smaller sized quantity of money than they would certainly be able to on a traditional exchange such as the New York Supply Exchange.

    Also though these types of systems are rather new to the
    exchange scene, several traders have actually begun to make the button from traditional locations to the easier
    bitcoin trading internet sites. Since trading will
    be much less complicated, more individuals will
    certainly find it much easier to end up being involved in the electronic asset exchange.

    If you have actually ever before looked right into the globe of financial investment, after that you currently know about how
    unstable and unpredictable investments can be, however the globe of spending in money
    has actually simply taken another turn. In the globe of bitcoin trading, there are two types of
    exchanges that are frequently utilized. Place
    exchange – The Foreign Exchange or FX market – is another kind of on-line trading
    which takes place in between purchasers and also sellers across the globe.
    They use the comfort of allowing financiers
    as well as people to buy and also sell currencies from around the globe,
    while still offering them the possibility to buy as well as market a
    smaller sized amount of money than they would be able to on a standard
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    It is a kind of money that is made digitally, and the bitcoins are kept in an online budget.
    When you use the computer to make deals with bitcoins,
    it moves you actual cash from your account into the bitcoin purse
    that holds the bitcoins.

    The bitcoin
    system is developed on a journal called the “blockchain”,
    which is like an electronic ledger that records all deals that have happened.
    With the bitcoin system, all transactions are held within the network itself,
    hence getting rid of the middleman.

    This means if you had ten thousand bitcoins,
    you would certainly require to hold them in the average wallet for fourteen years, or concerning three months.
    Mining is the procedure of collecting the bitcoins as well as the software application required
    to monitor the journal.

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  4273. NicholasOctober 7, 2021, 5:11 am

    Before we look at how to buy BITCOIN, we require to recognize what it really is.

    Why would certainly anybody want to acquire this?

    Several people that make use of bitcoins are beginning to relocate away from the conventional methods of purchasing things.
    Traditional bank card have a collection of fees linked with them.
    Some are month-to-month, others are yearly, and also some aren’t even totally free.
    With the current advancements in modern technology though, you can avoid all of those costs and also get immediate authorizations for acquisitions from anywhere worldwide.

    The following action is discovering the very best cryptosporters to go with.
    There are a couple of various means to go around this. First of
    all, there are web sites that will provide the very best crypto
    exchanges by price. These websites, among others, all
    attach customers and vendors from all over the globe so you can deal bitcoin effortlessly from throughout the globe.

    The following action is to learn what causes the volatility of the
    market. Something that makes bitcoin so wonderful is the
    volatility. This is due to the fact that the supply as well
    as need of the coins drives the rate up and down, making it a very
    unpredictable market that rarely remains flat for an extended period of time.

    The following action is learning which currencies are most commonly utilized by traders to trade with.

    The following action to take when learning just how to
    buy bitcoins is discovering concerning the bitcoin procedure.
    The bitcoin protocol avoids this from happening by needing every deal to be protected by the
    customers exclusive secret.

    The drawback of making use of the dispersed
    journal method is that it can reduce down the speed at which purchases occur.
    Since lots of individuals use bitcoins as their main kind of revenue, this makes the capability to move funds very crucial as well as enables them to use their wealth much
    faster than they could in various other kinds of income making activity.

    Before we look at exactly how to buy BITCOIN, we require to recognize what it in fact is.
    Numerous people who make use of bitcoins are starting to relocate away from the standard approaches of
    acquiring points. These websites, amongst others, all connect buyers as well as vendors from all over the world so you can purchase and also offer bitcoin with ease from anywhere in the globe.

    The following action to take when learning just how to buy bitcoins is
    discovering regarding the bitcoin procedure.

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  4276. ColletteOctober 7, 2021, 10:42 am

    If you are believing of spending in the world of Cryptocurrency, after that you must take into consideration investing in bitcoin trading.

    There are numerous advantages for you to think about prior to investing in the globe of Cryptocurrency.

    Numerous web sites will certainly supply you free mini accounts that
    permit you to get started with a totally free account, and
    discover how to purchase bitcoin. By opening up a free account, you
    will certainly be able to obtain familiar with all of the terminology and benefit from the various
    approaches of investing in the world of Cryptocurrency.

    Your next step is to learn just how to open a bitcoin pocketbook.
    The bitcoin wallet is utilized to maintain your exclusive info risk-free and secure
    while you are trading on the Forex market.

    Once you have actually discovered just how to purchase, sell,
    and keep your bitcoins, you can begin thinking about just how to diversify
    your profile. Expanding your profile is necessary when you
    are trading the cryptospace given that you want to spread your risk and boost your prospective
    returns. News of positive financial news is excellent
    for any financier thinking about the globe of Cryptocurrency since
    the worth of one specific currency pair can increase considerably if that news happens.

    The last piece of the investment profile you will certainly require to think
    about is the trading platform that you are going to utilize to access the
    Forex market. There are several trading platforms readily available, so you
    must look around and locate the one that feels right for you.
    When you are trading the cash worth option, you will certainly
    not pay compensation charges, however you will certainly still have to pay a
    recurring quantity of upkeep and monitoring fees to your
    brokerage firm.

    If you are going to be trading in the currency pairs
    found in the Forex market, you are going to require to open a taken care of account.

    A handled account minimum down payment of say 5 hundred bucks will ensure that you never ever
    have way too much cash hanging around in your account. Your handled account minimum equilibrium will vary depending on the market conditions.
    The costs and commissions range various broker agent companies, so shop
    about and locate the one that supplies you with the most effective bargain.

    If you are thinking of investing in the globe of Cryptocurrency, then you ought to think about investing in bitcoin trading.
    This is a preferred method of acquiring exclusive investment with
    a general higher return than spending in shares.
    There are lots of benefits for you to take into consideration before investing in the globe
    of Cryptocurrency.

    By opening up a cost-free account, you will certainly
    be able to get familiar with all of the terms as well as advantage from the
    numerous approaches of spending in the world of Cryptocurrency.

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  4279. StephaineOctober 7, 2021, 11:21 am

    You may have heard regarding it, yet you actually have no suggestion what is behind
    the digital money called” bitcoin”. Several individuals have familiarized about this interesting new technology due to the fact that of the current financial turmoil that
    hit numerous nations. The entire globe observed a remarkable failure in the economy as individuals shed confidence in the nationwide currency and started to relocate in the direction of the brand-new online currency called” bitcoin”.
    You can conveniently discover more regarding this subject through the web.
    The initial point that you ought to understand
    about this topic is that there are two kinds of people that utilize this virtual
    cash. There are those who are technically progressed and understand its working;
    and after that there are those who simply intend to get expertise regarding this topic.

    There are generally 2 kinds of bitcoin based blockchains
    that are popular nowadays. One is the bitcoin cash money which is in fact a fork of the bitcoin classic, while the other
    is the bitcoin testnet.
    bitcoin is in fact a very effective intermixed decentralized digital money, without
    single administrator or reserve bank, which is moved from individual to user on the open peer to peer bitcoin network.
    Every one of these facts concerning the history of this amazing innovation will aid
    you in understanding exactly how it functions and where it is headed.

    The designers behind the bitcoin task really felt that it
    is crucial for the public to have an open journal like this one,
    which they have produced the bitcoin blockchains. Thus, these are the basics of what is behind the digital currency called” bitcoin”.

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  4446. MollyOctober 12, 2021, 8:05 am

    Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.
    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to see your updates in a quick and easy manner.

    As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds
    you on Facebook and other social networking sites without even realizing it.
    If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked. Send them to your pastes and share your short links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links to any web page.
    So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and
    he or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”, then your post on your blog or webpage will appear in front of them and be ready for reading or printing.
    The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated into your personal web pages so that you are able to put a custom and unique url for each post which makes it easier for readers to find what they are
    looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to
    search for something specific or just browse through a
    large list of pastes. When using public pastes, it is important that you provide the
    description of what the post is about as well as a title.
    The title of your post will be what appears under the public post while the domain names should be provided to make it easy for people to
    insert them into their search engines. To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste the paste code on your public post which will ensure that your domain name will appear along
    with the post title and description.

  4447. TysonOctober 12, 2021, 8:13 am

    Pour les lecteurs qui se trouvent captivu00e9s dans la mythologie grecque ancienne et souhaitant
    apprendre les divinitu00e9s et les personnages associu00e9s u00e0 cette pu00e9riode, un nom qui vous lotion tru00e8s familier, c’est Belylu.

    Belylu u00e9tait un guerrier puissant et chef des chevaux
    de Troie aux cu00f4tu00e9s d’Achille. Un dieu comme number d’une personnification du feu,
    Belylu, u00e9galement connu sous le nom de Bacchus, a u00e9tu00e9 adoru00e9 the same level les chevaux de Troie u00e0 leur forteresse u00e0 la ville de Thermopolie sur la cu00f4te
    sud de la mer Ionienne. Parmi ses nombreux attributs comme u00e9tant fu00e9roce, Belylu est u00e9galement connu pour avoir la capacitu00e9 de scrier.

    Il est probable que Belylu ait eu une vision d’Achille alors qu’il se battait dans la guerre et, en tant que tels
    guerriers, sont devenus des compagnons proches. Une
    autre histoire qui comporte Belylu relate la
    maniu00e8re do not les chevaux de Troie ont de nouveau essayu00e9 d’attaquer les Achu00e9ens lorsqu’ils se sont arru00eatu00e9s put se reposer dans une ru00e9gion connue sous le nom de Troeillon. Une bataille fu00e9roce
    a eu lieu dans laquelle Belylu a u00e9tu00e9 tuu00e9e, mais les chevaux de Troie ont finalement u00e9tu00e9 avenues de
    leur forteresse et obligu00e9s de se retirer vers la su00e9curitu00e9 de Troy.

    L’histoire de Belylu comme un guerrier puissant et u00eatre appelu00e9e u00e0 du00e9fendre
    le mont Marathon contre les chevaux de Troie s’adapte
    bien u00e0 l’idu00e9e de ce que Belylu u00e9tait capable quand il s’est battu
    dans cette bataille. Vous constaterez u00e9galement que Belylus Ghost hante la ru00e9gion de
    Troy aujourd’hui et vous pourrez mu00eame le trouver errer
    la nuit, u00e0 la recherche de son ennemi mortel, d’Achille.

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  4452. CelesteOctober 12, 2021, 10:25 am

    Protecting E-Commerce Sites From a Hacker
    To make the surface of a document look more professional, many companies use pastes.
    Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as handmade designs or embossing,
    they are still widely used and can create an impressive effect in many cases.
    The best way to achieve the professional look is to use a paste that contains a high amount of

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other tasks is hibp pastes.
    Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of glue.
    They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier or lighter than ointment-based pastes,
    and as such are stiffer and thicker. In addition to
    being stiffer, hibp pastes tend to be more dense, which gives them a better ability
    to hide defects and stay put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp

    Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose to only
    provide information on their company website or to partners through these pastes.
    This allows those who need the personal information to access it without
    compromising the company’s website, allowing them to still sell products or communicate with past and current customers.
    The information that can be transmitted through hibp pastes includes
    full names, email addresses, contact information, address history, and recent
    additions to the company’s database. As a result,
    many of the most popular and reliable pasting services do
    not advertise their ability to transmit personal information; this makes
    it much more difficult for a hacker to obtain a client’s personal information through a paste site.

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  4476. ElishaOctober 13, 2021, 3:13 am

    Protecting E-Commerce Sites From a Hacker
    To make the surface of a document look more professional, many companies use pastes.

    Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as handmade designs or embossing, they are still
    widely used and can create an impressive effect in many cases.
    The best way to achieve the professional look is to use a paste that contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other tasks is hibp pastes.
    Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of glue.

    They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier or lighter than ointment-based pastes, and
    as such are stiffer and thicker. In addition to being stiffer, hibp pastes tend to be more dense, which
    gives them a better ability to hide defects and stay put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes.
    Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose to only provide information on their company website or to partners through these pastes.
    This allows those who need the personal information to access it without compromising the company’s website, allowing them to still sell products or communicate with past and current customers.
    The information that can be transmitted through hibp
    pastes includes full names, email addresses, contact information, address history, and recent additions to the company’s
    database. As a result, many of the most popular and reliable
    pasting services do not advertise their ability to transmit personal information;
    this makes it much more difficult for a hacker to obtain a client’s personal information through a paste

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  4478. ThomasOctober 13, 2021, 3:49 am

    Protecting E-Commerce Sites From a Hacker
    To make the surface of a document look more professional, many companies
    use pastes. Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as handmade designs
    or embossing, they are still widely used and can create an impressive effect in many cases.
    The best way to achieve the professional look is to use a paste that contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations
    and other tasks is hibp pastes. Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a
    high percentage of glue. They vary greatly
    in consistency, being either heavier or lighter than ointment-based pastes, and as such are
    stiffer and thicker. In addition to being stiffer, hibp pastes tend to be
    more dense, which gives them a better ability to hide defects and stay put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes. Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose to only provide information on their company website or to partners through these pastes.
    This allows those who need the personal information to access it without compromising the company’s website, allowing them to still sell products or communicate with
    past and current customers. The information that can be
    transmitted through hibp pastes includes full names, email addresses, contact information, address
    history, and recent additions to the company’s database. As a result, many of
    the most popular and reliable pasting services do not
    advertise their ability to transmit personal information; this makes it much more difficult for a hacker to obtain a client’s personal information through a paste site.

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  4495. KrisOctober 13, 2021, 7:05 am

    Protecting E-Commerce Sites From a Hacker
    To make the surface of a document look more professional, many companies use pastes.
    Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as handmade designs or embossing, they
    are still widely used and can create an impressive effect in many cases.
    The best way to achieve the professional look is
    to use a paste that contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other tasks is
    hibp pastes. Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of
    glue. They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier or lighter than ointment-based pastes, and as such are stiffer
    and thicker. In addition to being stiffer, hibp pastes tend to be more dense,
    which gives them a better ability to hide
    defects and stay put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes.

    Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose
    to only provide information on their company website or
    to partners through these pastes. This allows those who need the personal
    information to access it without compromising the company’s website,
    allowing them to still sell products or communicate with past and current customers.
    The information that can be transmitted through hibp pastes includes full names, email addresses, contact information, address history, and
    recent additions to the company’s database. As a result, many of the most popular
    and reliable pasting services do not advertise their ability
    to transmit personal information; this makes it much more difficult for a hacker to obtain a client’s
    personal information through a paste site.

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  4504. AntonOctober 13, 2021, 11:58 am

    Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.

    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to see your updates in a quick
    and easy manner. As you may have noticed,
    there are many times where someone adds you on Facebook and other social networking
    sites without even realizing it. If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked.
    Send them to your pastes and share your short
    links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links to any
    web page. So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and
    he or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”, then your post on your blog or webpage will appear in front of them and be
    ready for reading or printing. The great thing about this system is that it
    can be incorporated into your personal web pages so that you are
    able to put a custom and unique url for each post which makes it easier for
    readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse through a
    large list of pastes.
    When using public pastes, it is important that you provide the description of
    what the post is about as well as a title. The title of your post will be what appears under the public post while the domain names should be provided to make it easy for people to insert them into their search engines.
    To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste the paste code on your public post
    which will ensure that your domain name will appear along with the
    post title and description.

  4505. RhondaOctober 13, 2021, 12:08 pm

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  4517. StormyOctober 13, 2021, 8:27 pm

    Protecting E-Commerce Sites From a Hacker
    To make the surface of a document look more professional,
    many companies use pastes. Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as handmade designs or embossing, they are still widely used and can create
    an impressive effect in many cases. The best way to achieve the professional look is to use a
    paste that contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other tasks is hibp pastes.
    Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of glue.

    They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier or lighter than ointment-based pastes,
    and as such are stiffer and thicker. In addition to being stiffer, hibp pastes tend to be more dense,
    which gives them a better ability to hide defects and stay put

    Personal information may be transmitted via
    hibp pastes. Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose to only provide information on their company website or to partners through these pastes.
    This allows those who need the personal information to access it without compromising the company’s website, allowing them to still
    sell products or communicate with past and current
    customers. The information that can be transmitted through hibp
    pastes includes full names, email addresses, contact information, address history, and
    recent additions to the company’s database. As a
    result, many of the most popular and reliable pasting services
    do not advertise their ability to transmit personal information; this makes it much more difficult
    for a hacker to obtain a client’s personal information through a paste site.

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  4528. KimberlyOctober 14, 2021, 4:07 am

    Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.
    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to see your updates in a quick and
    easy manner. As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds you on Facebook and other social networking sites without even realizing it.
    If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked.
    Send them to your pastes and share your short links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links to
    any web page. So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and he or she types
    in the search box “basketball hoop”, then your post on your blog or webpage will appear
    in front of them and be ready for reading or printing.
    The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated into
    your personal web pages so that you are able to put
    a custom and unique url for each post which makes it easier
    for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes
    allow users to search for something specific or just browse through a large list of pastes.
    When using public pastes, it is important that you provide the description of what the post is about as well as a title.
    The title of your post will be what appears under the public
    post while the domain names should be provided to make it easy for people to insert them
    into their search engines. To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste the paste code on your public post which will ensure that
    your domain name will appear along with the post title and description.

  4529. DeanOctober 14, 2021, 4:12 am

    Protecting E-Commerce Sites From a Hacker
    To make the surface of a document look more professional, many companies use
    pastes. Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as handmade
    designs or embossing, they are still widely used and can create an impressive effect in many cases.
    The best way to achieve the professional
    look is to use a paste that contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other tasks is hibp pastes.
    Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of glue.

    They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier or lighter than ointment-based pastes, and
    as such are stiffer and thicker. In addition to being stiffer, hibp pastes tend to be more dense, which gives them a better ability to hide defects and stay put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes.
    Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose to
    only provide information on their company website or to partners through these pastes.
    This allows those who need the personal information to access
    it without compromising the company’s website, allowing them to
    still sell products or communicate with past and current customers.
    The information that can be transmitted through hibp pastes includes full names, email addresses,
    contact information, address history, and recent additions to the company’s database.
    As a result, many of the most popular and reliable pasting
    services do not advertise their ability to transmit personal information; this
    makes it much more difficult for a hacker to obtain a client’s personal information through a paste site.

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  4533. JaninaOctober 14, 2021, 7:43 am

    Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.
    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are
    able to see your updates in a quick and easy
    manner. As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds you on Facebook and other social networking
    sites without even realizing it. If this happens to you,
    do not let it go unchecked. Send them to your pastes and
    share your short links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links to any web page.
    So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and he or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”, then your post on your blog or webpage will
    appear in front of them and be ready for reading or printing.
    The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated
    into your personal web pages so that you are able to put a custom and unique url for each post which
    makes it easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse through a
    large list of pastes. When using public pastes, it is
    important that you provide the description of what the post is about as well as a title.
    The title of your post will be what appears under the public post while
    the domain names should be provided to make it easy for people to insert them into their search
    engines. To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and
    paste the paste code on your public post which will ensure
    that your domain name will appear along
    with the post title and description.

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    This enables you to see what the other individuals are stating.
    There is additionally an alternative button on the top right corner of the conversation windows that
    enables you to detach from your chat companion. You can pick a custom
    hotkey in order to connect and also detach from the server as rapidly
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    The trouble with the scroll bar however is that if there isn’t any customer in the conversation channel as well as then they
    begin typing they will certainly trigger the chat
    bar to become corrupted. When the other individuals attempt
    to play on the server, it will certainly scroll
    the chat back down.

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  4554. HelaineOctober 14, 2021, 6:28 pm

    The first ever Opera Forum was arranged in 1980 in order to
    celebrate the absolute best of classic Spanish society and also art.
    It was a special, very first and also remarkable collaboration in between two remarkable concert hall – the Teatro Real and also the Royal Opera of Madrid.

    This unforgettable worldwide event joined an extremely diverse cross area of individuals from numerous
    different nations as well as ethnicities. This was the very first
    time that two opera organisations from 2 very different continents were collaborating.
    The Online forum was really developed and called after
    both organisations as an opportunity for individuals from both organisations to obtain together and also share
    information concerning their future jobs. At the exact same time it was a chance for budding diva and also opera supervisors from Spain, France, Italy, Germany, United States,
    Russia, Hungary, Romania, Turkey as well as several various other nations to find
    out and also execute together.

    The initial Online forum happened in Leocafe (Paris) on 13th August 1980.
    At the meeting seventy 5 new participants were added to the fold including Joanna Keene,
    supervisor and also choreographer; Giorgio Cavallini,
    artistic director; Mario Moretti, conductor; Piero Lombardi, creative specialist
    as well as Camerata D’Orsay, principal dancer. There were regular meetings and site visitors were welcome as long as they kept their profile on the login page.
    This was the very first time that all these participants collaborated under the name of the very same organisation. Throughout
    the years ever since the Opera Forum has actually expanded to over one hundred and
    ten participants from throughout Europe as well as The United States and Canada, providing cost-free
    specialist advice and details on a wide range of topics ranging from opera arsenal administration, opera strategy and style, to general concerns and rules.

    The most prominent location of conversation at the forums is efficiency, with discussions on opera productions, operatic
    workshops as well as opera advertising and marketing and also promo taking area.

    There are currently personal subscription options offered
    to enable specialist diva and supervisors to make the most of the online forum’s assistance and advice.
    Personal meetings, training programmes and also one-on-one sessions with
    various other specialists are also readily available on the online forum.
    With the appeal of opera climbing annually, the demand
    for an authentic, reliable on the internet voice as well as
    Opera online forum is very essential to make
    sure that all those wishing to get involved are fully
    satisfied as well as able to add with worth and understanding.

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  4560. ThaoOctober 14, 2021, 10:59 pm

    How Dump Monitor Helps You Protect Yourself From Spam
    A Paste is data that’s been pasted on to a website
    designed in order to share content like pastes.
    These public pastes are often used by hackers to their power to secretly, easily and
    quickly share sensitive and important information like password files and financial numbers stolen during cyber-crimes.
    These public pastes also give online users the ability of commenting or posting a message to another online user by using this form of “paste”.
    By using this easy process, hackers can steal this person’s
    private information and post it on a website without them knowing about it.

    For anyone who has ever gone through spam emails or other unsolicited
    email found on the Internet, you know how annoying these pastes can be.

    You might also have experienced a time when an email was sent to you that seemed to be from
    someone you knew, but there was no way for you to verify the sender’s identity or location. This can occur when hackers use this
    paste to breach databases of large companies and reveal the personal data of these people.
    It can also happen to you when hackers use pastes
    to breach databases and reveal your personal details to
    spammers or other internet predators.

    To protect yourself from any of these breaches, it’s best
    to opt for a free service that gives you the option to either delete and paste securely from one’s own computer.
    Dump Monitor is a web based service that allows you to
    view a public pastebin log to see the pastes that other people
    have pasted from your account. It will also allow you to log
    into your account and remove any of the pastes that you don’t
    want other people to see. Dump Monitor also allows you to determine the number of pastes that have been erased since
    your last login and the reason why.

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  4563. LaurelOctober 15, 2021, 12:28 am

    How Dump Monitor Helps You Protect Yourself From Spam
    A Paste is data that’s been pasted on to a website designed
    in order to share
    content like pastes. These public pastes are often used by hackers to their power to
    secretly, easily and quickly share sensitive and important information like password files and financial numbers
    stolen during cyber-crimes. These public pastes also give online
    users the ability of commenting or posting a message to another online user by using this form of “paste”.

    By using this easy process, hackers can steal this person’s private information and post it on a website without them knowing about it.

    For anyone who has ever gone through spam emails or other unsolicited
    email found on the Internet, you know how annoying these pastes can be.
    You might also have experienced a time when an email
    was sent to you that seemed to be from someone you knew,
    but there was no way for you to verify the
    sender’s identity or location. This can occur when hackers use this paste
    to breach databases of large companies and reveal the personal
    data of these people. It can also happen to you when hackers use
    pastes to breach databases and reveal your personal details to spammers or
    other internet predators.

    To protect yourself from any of these breaches, it’s best to opt for a free service that gives you the option to either
    delete and paste securely from one’s own computer. Dump Monitor
    is a web based service that allows you to view a public pastebin log to see the pastes that other people have pasted
    from your account. It will also allow you to log into your account and remove any of the pastes that you don’t want other
    people to see. Dump Monitor also allows you to determine the number of
    pastes that have been erased since your last login and the reason why.

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  4566. ArnetteOctober 15, 2021, 3:37 am

    How Dump Monitor Helps You Protect Yourself From Spam
    A Paste is data that’s been pasted on to a website designed
    in order to share content like pastes. These public pastes are often used by hackers to their power to secretly, easily and quickly share sensitive and important information like password files and financial numbers stolen during cyber-crimes.
    These public pastes also give online
    users the ability of commenting or posting a message to another online user by
    using this form of “paste”. By using this easy process, hackers can steal this person’s private information and post
    it on a website without them knowing about it.

    For anyone who has ever gone through spam emails or other unsolicited
    email found on the Internet, you know how annoying these
    pastes can be. You might also have experienced a time when an email was sent to you that seemed to be
    from someone you knew, but there was no way for you to verify the
    sender’s identity or location. This can occur when hackers use this paste
    to breach databases of large companies and reveal the personal
    data of these people. It can also happen to you when hackers use pastes to breach databases
    and reveal your personal details to spammers or other internet predators.

    To protect yourself from any of these breaches, it’s best to opt for a free service that gives you
    the option to either delete and paste securely from one’s own computer.
    Dump Monitor is a web based service that allows you to view a public pastebin log to
    see the pastes that other people have pasted from your account.
    It will also allow you to log into your account and remove any of the pastes that you don’t want other
    people to see. Dump Monitor also allows you to determine the number of
    pastes that have been erased since your last login and the reason why.

  4567. JaclynOctober 15, 2021, 8:04 am

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  4571. HellenOctober 15, 2021, 11:36 am

    Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.
    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to
    see your updates in a quick and easy manner. As you may
    have noticed, there are many times where someone adds you on Facebook and other social networking sites without even realizing it.
    If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked. Send them
    to your pastes and share your short links
    with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up
    links to any web page. So if a user searches for “basketball hoop”
    in Google and he or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”,
    then your post on your blog or webpage will appear in front of
    them and be ready for reading or printing.
    The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated into your personal web pages so that you are able to put a custom and unique
    url for each post which makes it easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific
    or just browse through a large list of pastes. When using public pastes,
    it is important that you provide the description of what the
    post is about as well as a title. The title of your post will be
    what appears under the public post while the domain names should be provided to make it easy
    for people to insert them into their search engines.
    To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste
    the paste code on your public post which will ensure that your domain name
    will appear along with the post title and description.

  4572. DorcasOctober 15, 2021, 1:47 pm

    Just like any new innovation,’s newest shopping solution, called Groove, has seen its fair share of objection.
    The truth that this is an in-app acquisition indicates that
    all acquisitions come straight to your financial institution account without the need to type
    out a bank card number or anything else. Nevertheless, this system is ending up
    being the means of customers almost everywhere due
    to the fact that it makes shopping less complicated than ever.

    To use Amazon Groove, simply accessibility the application with the Amazon site, enter
    your shipping address as well as any type of other information you ‘d like as well as you’re
    good to go. If you prefer not to enter your delivery address,
    you can go into up to five various ones instead and each one
    will be shown to you in order. Amazon Groove is additionally compatible with major credit rating
    cards, PayPal as well as certainly, your savings account. When you’ve established your Amazon Groove account, you prepare to

    With Groove, there is no requirement to issue yourself with bothering with
    added fees for delivery or handling expenses as they will certainly be secured of your savings account upon check out.
    This makes it especially valuable if you are taking a trip abroad and also want to patronize a
    significant on-line retailer yet are worried concerning how you are
    going to spend for your purchases. By utilizing Amazon Groove as your virtual purchasing terminal, you can bypass the problem of paying in cash and
    instead pick to pay in whatever money you want to. By utilizing the Amazon currency conversion device you can set your preferred exchange rates, allowing you to pay for items in your house money.
    After you’ve set up your account as well as registered for an amazon gift card, all you’ll
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  4575. MohammadOctober 15, 2021, 5:37 pm

    How Dump Monitor Helps You Protect Yourself From Spam
    A Paste is data that’s been pasted on to a website designed in order to share content
    like pastes. These public pastes are
    often used by hackers to their power to secretly, easily and quickly share sensitive and important information like
    password files and financial numbers stolen during cyber-crimes.

    These public pastes also give online users the ability of commenting or
    posting a message to another online user by
    using this form of “paste”. By using this easy process, hackers can steal this person’s private information and post it
    on a website without them knowing about it.

    For anyone who has ever gone through spam emails or other unsolicited email found
    on the Internet, you know how annoying these pastes can be.
    You might also have experienced a time when an email was
    sent to you that seemed to be from someone you knew, but there
    was no way for you to verify the sender’s identity or location. This can occur when hackers use this paste
    to breach databases of large companies and reveal the personal
    data of these people. It can also happen to you when hackers use
    pastes to breach databases and reveal your personal
    details to spammers or other internet predators.

    To protect yourself from any of these breaches, it’s best to
    opt for a free service that gives you the option to either delete and paste securely from one’s own computer.
    Dump Monitor is a web based service that allows you to view a public pastebin log to see
    the pastes that other people have pasted from your account.
    It will also allow you to log into your account
    and remove any of the pastes that you don’t want other
    people to see. Dump Monitor also allows you to determine the
    number of pastes that have been erased since your last login and the reason why.

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  4578. GeniaOctober 15, 2021, 6:48 pm

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    better for you to visit Amazon’s main web site and inspect
    out’s consumer solution section where there is a checklist of often asked amazon troubles, responses as well
    as various other relevant info. There are a number of informative write-ups that talk about different issues such as,
    amazon customer problems, assistance, amazon troubleshooting, arranging
    out troubles with and so on.

    Another choice for you to get the answer to your client questions
    & response to all your issues at amazon is to look them on the internet.
    You can use the advanced search choice given by
    where you can kind in the name of the item that you are seeking and also after that ask
    the amazon vendor just how to fix your problem. You can additionally utilize the browse by category option given in the
    vendor’s website in order to find the appropriate category for the product that you are searching for.

    A lot of the groups in the amazon website
    are related to the product’s price range, area, customer complete satisfaction etc.
    There are some areas where you can upload your questions or ask sellers about the different elements of amazon selling company.
    The majority of the sellers likewise have a blog site affixed to
    their site which allows the vendor to
    connect with their routine consumers and
    also provide them ideas and methods regarding on exactly how to run their service

    The amazon official website not just offers you the answers
    to your concerns associated to however also guides you
    to the best page in order to sign up, download and install the newest
    software and also publications connected to amazon selling
    company. The amazon seller additionally gives with a live chat alternative to communicate
    with their client straight which is a superb method to
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  4580. LamontOctober 15, 2021, 8:19 pm

    The CA is the” issuer of the exclusive key utilized to produce the individual’s password as well as customer name”,
    according to Opera’s designers. They additionally explained that they on a regular basis release CA Certificates to make certain the integrity
    of web browser settings and also to apply different rules established out
    by the browser.

    The customer side calls for the Asynchronous Transportation procedure to develop the token, yet the internet browser
    does not recognize the secret representative’s requests for it, leading to the rejection of the
    request. As discussed earlier, the browser sends out an HTTP request to
    the transportation; nonetheless, the response may be intercepted prior to it gets to the
    secret representative.

    The issue is made even worse by the truth that Opera still
    uses the Session Initiation Protocol (ISP) to establish the identification platform, despite the truth that the application is making
    use of the OAuth2 procedure. The resulting scenario is the accessibility token being signed up several times by the user.

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  4592. LaurieOctober 16, 2021, 6:21 pm

    There has been a lot of conversation lately concerning whether the U.S.
    is leading the method for better bitcoin mining task in the country.
    The truth is that the Chinese government does not have an extremely open policy when it comes
    to their mining activities in the field, as well
    as the fact that the government snugly manages international financial
    investment in the economic sector definitely does not help
    things. In the meantime, however, it appears as though
    America and also Europe are the leaders when it concerns this specific
    activity. The two countries together represent almost a third of
    the globe’s overall everyday volume of extracted bitcoins.

    China’s government is specifically tight-lipped when it involves reviewing
    their role in this sector, but it feels like they do
    not wish to endanger their capability to profit from this industry.

    In regards to what these two countries are doing differently, there actually isn’t much of a
    difference. They both utilize different techniques to safeguarding
    the block chain, yet the way that China’s federal government sets about this is a little bit various.
    China’s major technique to safeguarding the network is via making use of what
    are called “blockchain mining swimming pools.” These are pools of miners that are merged together, typically based in China,
    and also each of them individually mines the block chain. What this implies is that
    rather than the whole network being mined at as soon as,
    smaller blocks are extracted in time, until the entire point is worn down.

    What does this have to do with exactly how these two countries go concerning seeking their
    very own goals in the virtual space? This will certainly
    assist to guarantee that there are no issues when it comes to trading as well as buying as well as selling money.
    When it comes to investing in cryptosporiness, this is perhaps one
    of the most important aspects.

    The fact is that the Chinese government does not have a very open policy when it comes to their mining tasks in the area, and the
    truth that the federal government tightly regulates international
    financial investment in the economic sector definitely does not assist things.

    For now, though, it shows up as though America as well as Europe
    are the leaders when it comes to this particular activity.
    China’s government is especially tight-lipped when it comes to discussing their duty in this sector, however it appears like they do not desire to jeopardize their ability to make money from this market.

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  4596. FranchescaOctober 16, 2021, 10:49 pm

    Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.
    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are
    able to see your updates in a quick and easy manner.
    As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds you on Facebook and other social networking sites
    without even realizing it. If this happens to you,
    do not let it go unchecked. Send them to your pastes
    and share your short links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links to any
    web page. So if a user searches for “basketball hoop”
    in Google and he or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”,
    then your post on your blog or webpage will appear in front of them and be ready for
    reading or printing. The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated into your personal web pages so that you are able to
    put a custom and unique url for each post which makes it easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse through a large list of pastes.
    When using public pastes, it is important that you
    provide the description of what the post is about as well as a title.
    The title of your post will be what appears
    under the public post while the domain names should be provided to make it easy for people to insert them into their search engines.
    To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that
    you submit your domain name and paste the paste code on your public post which will ensure that
    your domain name will appear along with the post title and description.

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    HtmlAgilityPack is actually a collection of scripts (graphics and other
    manuscript bits) especially developed for pre-compiling, processing as well as caching HTML5 files.
    These are a collection of scripts that will assemble
    your very own HTML from numerous sources, such as from a web site, a documents or also from a photo or video clip stream.
    This is useful for precompiling files that do not have their own HTML rendering.
    For example, if you’re functioning on an internet
    site that uses Bootstrap CSS for styling its components, and
    you want the resulting HTML to be HTML, HtmlAgilityPack can assist you.

    What’s good regarding HtmlAgilityPack and just how it works is that it benefits from one
    of one of the most powerful and also typical programs languages on the
    net, JavaScript. JavaScript is a scripting language that develops object oriented digital functions as well as can be
    incorporated with other programs. This makes it simple to produce
    routine expressions that can remove the details from a web page and then utilize it inside an HTML
    kind. This is where HtmlAgilityPack radiates.

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    Routine expression techniques permit you to match completion result,
    for instance ‘a’ will match the beginning of a string as well as ‘b’ will certainly
    match the end of a string. Course expressions are made use of to determine the current node in the HTML tree.

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    and dad nodes’ are the files that the existing html paper is referencing.
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    When you are making a purchase of a significant amount, reliability is crucial especially in the case of
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    top priority for both desktop and laptop computers.
    While they are almost on the same level however, it’s important to understand the reason Macs have earned such a
    favorable reputation. The fact of the matter is that
    security doesn’t just about locking your files away but rather doing all you can to
    keep them safe. All of this is possible thanks to Apple’s Defender program.
    It is among the most powerful tools available that lets you create passwords and track your computer.

    If you consider it, this kind of security is something which most people would
    desire. Who would want to lose their data because of a security flaw?

    However, Macs have long since overcome this security weakness thanks to a myriad of reasons.
    Apple offers a broad range of security choices. They range from highly
    recommended options like Time Capsule, to more radical options like Cryptocash.
    The problem with Time Capsule was that it only worked in specific environments and therefore it
    was never able to get past the tendency of being set up incorrectly.

    It is able to backup the contents of folders and documents and provide antivirus and malware protection.
    A security program which is adept at identifying threats
    and protecting your computer from their attacks is also able to detect the possibility of infection. This feature’s real weakness is in its design. It was based on an old Windows security framework that does not support modern block antivirus
    programs like XoftSpy. Random attacks on antivirus are an important
    factor in the recent ransomware attacks.

    So what is this going to mean to the future of Macs?

    It’s hard to predict what will occur in the near future with Cryptocash’s Windows version or any other programs that depend
    on the Windows security platform. At the most, we can, look
    at the main antivirus programs available to see how they will perform against the latest threats.
    While they might not be as effective in defending your computer from the latest threats
    as they are against Homebrew apps or other applications that
    run on the Linux OS, these tools still have enough power.
    They’re effective against any threat that could be
    found on your laptop or desktop.

    It is best to be concerned about malware in the present.
    It currently infects millions of computers across the globe.
    It’s impossible to remove this virus from your PC, therefore even the most popular malware elimination software may not be able.
    In many instances it’s possible to not know that your computer is infected because it
    will only show up as a different thing on your screen (a message that says “the application you tried to open was not able to be opened”).

    It’s impossible to eradicate all malware currently however it’s a good idea to make use
    of an antivirus program.

    Make sure you install the most recent version every time you browse the internet,
    download files, or use the keyboard on your computer.
    The chance of encountering pop-ups that are harmful to your computer and others when you visit specific
    websites is very high in the absence of the latest version of MacOS.
    If you’re infected by an infection designed specifically for MacOS it may hinder your computer’s ability to begin from the install disk.
    Since MacOS is notorious for having very long start-up times
    the need for a tool will speed up that process is vital.
    MacOS can take a long time to boot up and therefore it’s essential to ensure that you have the
    latest version available. This will enable you to use any
    protection that your computer has against malware that can be harmful.

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    computer version of its internet site, Twitter also transformed the way it delivers information. The previous variation allowed individuals to
    look for information and also tweets,
    however the new variation makes it impossible to
    export tweet archives. The tradition variation was introduced in 2014 and also has remained in usage given that July
    2018. The new version is currently described as the Twitter mobile web app.
    You can continue to utilize the old layout if you still use the desktop site.

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    clips through video. In spite of the 140-character limit, tweets should not be more than 140 characters.
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    ought to set up the most recent version of TLS 1.1.
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    A strong password is compulsory for Twitter customers.
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    internet site, Twitter likewise changed the means it
    provides news. The new variation is currently referred to as
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